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City of Paris <br />September 2011 Financial Report Comments <br />Net to Date Comparison of Revenues: <br />1. Overall 0&M tax collections (current taxes, delinquent taxes, penalties & interest, plus attorney <br />fees) are 4.55% less than last year's collections. Current property tax collections (0&M share) are <br />down 4.10% compared to last year. The primary cause of the collection difference is the drop in the <br />0&M portion of the tax rate and the corresponding increase in the debt portion of the tax rate to <br />cover the 2010 bonds issued to pay for Collegiate Drive. The new debt was absorbed in the existing <br />52 cent tax rate. As a percentage of the tax roll levied, we finished at 97.65% collection vs. 97.73% <br />last year. <br />2. Sales tax collections finished 3.13% above last year's actual collections and finished 6.79% above <br />the 2010-11 budgeted amount. <br />3. Hotel occupancy taxes finished 5.71% below last year. At the end of September, all hotels were <br />current on their payments except for La Quinta which owes for the 15L quarter of 2011 (estimated <br />$14,766) and penalty plus interest on their delinquent 2"d quarter tax payment. They have paid the <br />actual 2"d quarter tax. The next due date for occupancy taxes is October 315`. We have an informal <br />agreement with La quinta which requires them to stay current on any new taxes plus pay 25% of <br />the delinquency each month with the first delinquent payment being due October 31St <br />4. Franchise taxes were down .75% primarily due to lower quarterly remittances from Atmos Energy. <br />Information provided by Atmos indicates that the drop is due to a combination of much lower <br />natural gas prices and slightly lower sales volume. TXU Energy payments are also lower this year. <br />This has been partially offset by increased payment from Suddenlink. <br />5. Permit fees finished up $23,206 or 26.09% above last year. <br />6. Municipal Court fines and related fees are down 2.14% or $7,351 for the year. <br />7. Hanger lease payments and interest earnings are down $52,430 compared to last year but this is <br />due to almost entirely to lower interest income caused by low rates and a smaller fund balance. <br />8. Sanitation fees were up 10.67% for the year due to the rate change approved last July. <br />9. EMS fees were down 2.47% from last year. <br />10. Miscellaneous collections are up 4.23% and this is primarily due to the TML equity return to the <br />City related to general liability and worker's compensation insurance. Because it is a non-profit <br />insurance pool, TML periodically refunds member cities any excess reserves built up over time. The <br />City also received a$38,803 refund from CAPP brought about by reduced ancillary service charges <br />set by ERCOT. <br />11. Recreation program revenues were down due to the late opening of the pool caused by needed <br />repairs. <br />12. Total General Fund revenues are 0.50% below last year's receipts. General Fund revenues equaled <br />101.39% of the budget for the fiscal year. <br />13. Total General Fund expenditures finished 2.07% below last year. General Fund expenditures for <br />the year equaled 96.19% of budget. 14. Water revenue was up 6.37% while sewer revenue was down 2.11% for the year due to the Sara <br />Lee and Sesame Solutions closures. Miscellaneous revenues were up because of the $149,484 <br />refund from the US Corps of Engineers on Pat Mayse Lake. <br />15. Total Water & Sewer Water revenue was up 4.14% from last year. Water & Sewer revenues for the <br />year equal 105.36% of budget. <br />16. Tota) non-debt Water & Sewer expenses are 0.33% higher than last year and amount to 91.17% of <br />the current budget not including the debt appropriations of $3,803,775. <br />- ~ - 26 <br />