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Section 2. That City Council Resolution No. 2002-157, passed and approved October 10, <br />2002, which approved and ratified the execution of an application for and authorized the <br />acceptance of a Texas Parks and Wildlife Department National Recreational Trails Grant in <br />support of that project known as the Lake Crook Trails Project, be and is hereby in all things <br />repealed, and the aforesaid acceptance of said grant by the City of Paris shall be and is hereby in <br />a11 things rescinded, due to consideration of current budgetary restraints for the City's fiscal year <br />2004-2005. <br />Section 3. That the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department sha11 be notified by the City <br />Manager or his designee that due to and in consideration of severe budgetary restrictions for fiscal <br />year 2004-2005 and potentially beyond, the City Council deems it not in the best interest of the <br />City of Paris to proceed with the aforesaid Lake Crook Trails Project which included a City match <br />of $20,410.00. <br />Section 4. That the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department be notified on behalf of the City <br />Council as to the Council's sincere appreciation for the consideration by the Department in <br />determining that the City was qualified for the aforesaid grant, with the sincere hope that when <br />budgetary conditions improve, the Department will continue, as it has in the past, to consider <br />favorably future projects of the City of Paris for similar grant funding. <br />Section 5. That this resolution shall be effective from and after its date of passage. <br />PASSED AND APPROVED this 13' day of September, 2004. <br />Jay Guest, Mayor Pro Tem <br />ATTEST: <br />Sherian Dixon, Assistant City Clerk <br />APPROVED AS TO FORM: <br />Larry W. Schenk, City Attorney <br />