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August 23, 2004 <br />Page 3 <br />A. Selecting signage for the Downtown and Church Street Historic <br />Districts. Chairman Starrett reminded the Commission that they had <br />selected street signage several months ago but that he was never <br />personally comfortable with the decision. Lindsey Harper presented <br />the Commission with a drawing of a proposed sign design and advised <br />them the cost of each sign would be approximately $45.80 for the sign, <br />logo, and delivery, and we would need around 70 signs. Chairman <br />Starrett stated that Marvin Gorley was preparing a Main Street logo that <br />could potentially be placed under the finial. Motion to approve the <br />design was made by Barbara Wilson, seconded by Becki Norment. <br />Motion carried 8-0. <br />6. Discussion with and possible action on providing directions to ArchiTexas <br />regarding the Design Guidelines forthe Downtown and Church StreetHistoric <br />Districts and regarding the Updated Historic Resource Survey. Jay Firsching <br />addressed the Commission and reported that ArchiTexas has been working <br />on the historic survey. The Commission discussed the possible routes forthe <br />design guidelines, including color selection, window types and coverings, <br />roofing materials, signs, and layout and wording of the guidelines themselves. <br />Councilperson Wilkerson inquired about methods of educating the public and <br />methods of enforcement. Chairman Starrett asked Mr. Firsching to explain the <br />concept of Task Forces. The Commission also discussed when design <br />guidelines were normally prepared and how other cities designated districts. <br />The Commission asked the HPO to begin requiring the posting of COAs in <br />windows for assistance with enforcement. <br />Motion to have ArchiTexas proceed with the design guidelines was made by <br />Barbara Wilson, seconded by Becki Norment. Motion carried 7-0 (Brian Wear <br />had left the meeting). <br />7. Discuss application ofdesign guidelines. Becki Norment, who had requested <br />this item, advised that she thought they had sufficiently covered this during <br />the discussion with ArchiTexas. <br />8. Receipt of report from the Historic Preservation Officer. The HPO reported <br />that the City was working on a citation format so that violators could begin <br />receiving notices. <br />