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TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT <br />NATIONAL RECREATIONAL TRAILS FUND AGREEMENT <br />This agreeinent between Texas Parks and Wildlife Depai-tment, Recreational Ti°ails Program (hereinafter <br />TPWD) and City of Paris (hereinafter• Sponsor) for constniction of recreational trail iinpi°ovements in Lamar <br />County, Texas is made under Texas Recreational Trails Ftmd. <br />BACKGROUND <br />The TPWD Recreational Trails Progi•am, which administers the Texas Recreational Trails Fund (hereinafter <br />TRTF) Tnade available under the National Recreational Trails Act (hereinafter The Act), awards <br />reimbursement-type g•ants to eligible public entities and private organizations to be used on trails and h•ail- <br />related projects. To be eligible, the project must have been planned and developed undei• existing federal <br />and state laws, and all related policies and administrative procedures; and <br />The Gity of Paris, eligible under The Act, made a grant application for a suitable trail project aiid was <br />awarded a TRTF grant. <br />THEREFORE. for aiid in consideration of the mutual covenants aiid benetits hereof, TPWD and the <br />Sponsor hereby agree as follows: <br />TERMS <br />Sponsor will conshlict 0.8 linear miles of recreational h•ail, culverts, and signing and project engineering <br />and design to extend the Trail de Paris in accordance with approved plan (hereinafter the Project) by .it~ <br />15, 2015. <br />While doing any work under the tenils of this agreement, Sponsor will adhere to all requiremeiits <br />established for tlie National Recreational Trials Ftind including those set out in Procedural Guidelines, <br />Project Developnient aiid Grant Reimbursement Proczdures, and Acquisition Project Procedtues and by the <br />signariire of its authorized agent below asserts that it had read all of the foregoing requirements. <br />The undersigned is subject to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 or Rehabilitation Act of <br />1973, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Age Discriiilination Act of 1975, Title IX <br />of the Education Amendments of 1972, and offers all persons the opporhinity to participate in programs or <br />activities regardless of race, color, national origin, age, sex or disability. Further, it is agreed that no <br />individual will be hirned away or otherwise denied access to or benefit from any program or activity that is <br />directly associated with a program on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex or disability. <br />Sponsor will properly aiid adequately maintain the Project for at least 20 yeais so that it is available aiid safe <br />for use by the publrc. <br />EXHIBIT <br />