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TPWD and Sponsor agree that the total cost of the Project is Two Hundred and Fifiy Thousand Dollars <br />($250,000) and that reimbursement to Sponsor for work performed under this agreement will not exceed <br />Eighty Percent (80%) of the project cost up to the grant funds approved, Two Hundred Thousand Dollars <br />($200,000). Sponsor will be paid up to $200,000 aftei• submitting acceptable billings to TPWD for- approved <br />work. <br />Sponsor may begin construction only after esecution of this agreement. Any costs incui7•ed prior to the <br />agreement being signed by both parties are riot eligible for reimbw•sement. <br />This contract is subject to cancellation, without penalty, either in whole or in part, if funds are not <br />appropriated by the Teaas Legislahu•e, or othenvise made available, to the Texas Parks and Wildlife <br />Department. The pei•foi-mance period of this contract may be eXtended by muhial agi•eement of both parties. <br />Sponsor understands that acceptance of fiulds under this contract acts as acceptance of the authority of the <br />State Auditor's Office, or any sucezssor agency, to conduct an audit or investigatioii in connection with <br />those fiinds. Coutl°actor fiu-ther agrees to cooperate fiilly with the State Auditor's Office or its successor in <br />the coilduct of the audit or investigation, inchiding provid'ulg all records requested. Sponsor will ensure that <br />this clause concerning the authority to audit fiulds received indirectly by suboontractors through Sponsor <br />and the requii•ement to cooperate is include in any subcontract it awards. <br />This agreenlent is effective upon execution by the Department. <br />TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT CITY OF PARIS <br />Sp0[1SOI' <br />bv <br />Tim Hogsett, Director, Recreation Grants Branch <br />Name and Title <br />hV <br />Name and Title <br />Date <br />❑ EPLS Date <br />2 <br />