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Wear inquired whether painting the stucco would violate the design <br />guidelines, and Mr. Denney stated it would not since stucco is <br />commonly painted. Motion carried 3-2 with Brian Wear and Claudia <br />Hunt in opposition. <br />B. - Mr. Ressler advised the <br />Victor E. Ressler - 728 1st Street S.W. <br />Commission that he wanted to paint the entire house white. Motion to <br />approve the COA was made by Paul Denney, seconded by Sue <br />Lancaster. Motion carried 5-0. <br />3.The meeting adjourned at 12:14 p.m. <br />APPROVED this 22nd day of November, 2004. <br />__________________________________ <br />Arvin Starrett, Chairman <br />