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* * * <br />“Article II. Food Establishments. <br />* * * <br />“Division 2. PERMIT <br />* * * <br />“Section 14-34. Fee. <br />(a) The annual fee for each food establishment, other than for dairies, creameries, <br />and milk plants shall be as follows: <br />1-5 Employees: One-Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00)per year <br />6-9 Employees: Two-Hundred Dollars ($200.00)per year <br />Over 9 Employees: Two-Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00)per year” <br />(b) The permit fee for any temporary food establishment operating seven (7) <br />consecutive days or less shall be Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for one (1) to three (3) days <br />of operation, and Ten Dollars ($10.00) per day for each day thereafter, up to a total <br />of seven (7) days. Each subsequent period of operation shall require a separate <br />permit. <br />(c) Any time that re-testing is required due to the fact that “permittee has a <br />discrepancy,” which is discovered by a regular inspection or a re-inspection, then a <br />fee equal to the permit fee will be charged for the re-inspection. <br />(d) Food establishments, the net earnings of which are used in whole for charity, <br />church funds, or public welfare, shall be exempt from payment of the fee prescribed <br />by this section, but shall be subject to all other provisions of this Article.” <br />Section 3. <br /> That Chapter 14, Article II, Division 3, Sections 14-51 through 14-55 of the Code <br />of Ordinances of the City of Paris shall be and are hereby amended to read as follows: <br />“Chapter 14. Food and Food Establishments. <br />* * * <br />“Article II. Food Establishments. <br />* * * <br />“Division 3. FOOD HYGIENE CERTIFICATE. <br />* * * <br /> <br />