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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> March 14, 2005 <br /> Page 12 <br />that is requires us to get out of civil service, we need to know what is proposed and <br />the legal ramifications of it. He further summarized that we want to address the issue <br />with the Children’s Advocacy Center and look at the prosecutor’s position. <br />Motion to approve by Councilman Poston. Councilwoman Wilkerson - second. <br />Motion carried - 6 ayes, 1 nays <br />10.Discuss and consider possible action regarding the Casa Bonita Apts. <br />Tony said there are five buildings on the site and the majority of ownership is not <br />public entities. From a code enforcement standpoint, we are going to go after those <br />that are under private ownerships, those that are derelict properties. Tony said he will <br />pursue trying to find some blight elimination money and come back to Council in the <br />next couple of months of how to finance the demolition and removal of all that <br />property that use to be the Casa Bonita Apartments. <br />11.Consider, discuss, and provide direction to city staff or consider possible action <br />regarding possible modifications to the City Employee Health Insurance Plan. <br />Tony Williams gave a summary of the following: For the employees and retirees we <br />have a program after the $500.00 deductible, it is an 80/20 plan. There is a drug card, <br />an office co-pay on the office visit, and the out-of-pocket cost is $2,500.00. What we <br />are proposing to do is a significant change. It would still have the $500.00 deductible, <br />but instead of being a 80% pay, it would become a 70% pay in-system pay and a 50% <br />pay out-of-system where it was a 70%. The out-of-pocket would be increased to <br />$3,000.00 and the drug plan would go to a straight 70% pay. Dental and vision <br />coverage would become optional. The rates for retirees have gone up so dramatically <br />so we have gone out and got some other options for retirees to consider, but are less <br />benefits. To continue with the exact same coverage as last year, they anticipated we <br />would need to charge 22% more. We don’t have an extra $500,000.00 for this <br />program. <br />12.Consideration of and action on the following Resolutions: <br />A.RESOLUTION NO. 2005-042: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />OF THE CITY OF PARIS, PARIS, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY <br />MANAGER, FINANCE DIRECTOR, AND CITY ATTORNEY TO <br />EXECUTE ANY AND ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS ASSOCIATED <br />WITH CHANGES TO THE CITY EMPLOYEE HEALTH INSURANCE <br />PLAN; MAKING OTHER FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO <br /> <br />