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General Fund receipts equaled 94.58% of budget. This shortfall of revenues was caused by anticipated grant revenues not <br />materializing during the fiscal year. General Fund expenditures were only 91.01% of budget for the same reason, grant <br />expenditures were less than anticipated. For the 2011-12 fiscal year, the City Council adopted a tax rate of .52 cents per $100 <br />of value. This is the same rate as the previous year. This rate allows maintaining all services at their current levels or above <br />and funds the interest and sinking fund for the certificates of obligation issued in 2002, 2003, and 2010. <br />Long-term Financial Planning and Relevant Financial Policies <br />The City is in the process of developing a new long-range financial plan, given the substantial refunding of its outstanding <br />debt, for savings that occurred in February 2010. The City gained $1,993,902 in total debt service savings (11.58%) from the <br />refunding. The City does not plan on any substantial capital investment in its utility infrastructure until 2013 at which time a <br />substantial amount of utility related debt issued will be paid off. The City formalized a key financial policy that had been <br />informally followed previously: a utility rate maintenance policy. The utility rate maintenance policy will help assure the <br />financial integrity of the enterprise fund along with its related interest and sinking funds. Another policy expected to be <br />formalized is a reserve level guideline for both the general fund and utility fund. Adequate reserve levels provide the City with <br />the ability to deal with extraordinary events and maintain its credit worthiness. This credit worthiness, as reflected in the <br />current financial statements, allowed the City to obtain very favorable interest rates on the refunding bonds referenced above. <br />Major Initiatives <br />The City of Paris continues to work in environmentally related areas. Since 1984, over $50 million has been spent on water <br />and wastewater improvements. The City is working on formulating a new long range plan to maintain its infrastructure. <br />The City also continues to expand its effort in law enforcement related areas. Specifically, the City has targeted auto theft and <br />the public schools. Programs in this effort include the Auto Theft Task Force and school resource officers at various schools. <br />One other continuing law enforcement effort is to upgrade equipment through Justice Assistance grants. <br />From a development standpoint, the City has taken several steps. Reentry into the State of Texas Main Street Program should <br />channel additional funds for revitalization of existing structures and businesses. The City continues to work closely with the <br />Paris Economic Development Corporation to attract new businesses to Paris and to support existing businesses as well. <br />Working with the Chamber of Commerce, the City is effectively using the civic center to attract people and business to Paris. <br />City officials are also closely working with Keep Paris Beautiful, Inc. to promote and improve the City. The Historic <br />Preservation Committee is working with local property owners to maintain the historical character of the City. <br />Other Financial Information <br />The financial statements of the City of Paris, Texas, have been prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting <br />principles as applied to governmental units. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board is the accepted standard-setting <br />body for establishing governmental accounting and financial reporting principles. Using the GASB 34 reporting model, the <br />City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report provides for a management's discussion and analysis, government-wide <br />financial statements, major fund financial statements, notes to the financial statements, and other required supplementary <br />information. <br />The City has a written investment policy that conforms to state statutes, which outlines permissible investments. The City <br />pools its cash balances for investment purposes from the various funds maintained in its consolidated cash account. Interest <br />earnings of the pool are allocated to the various funds of the City based upon a fund's equity position in the pool. The City of <br />Paris' primary risk exposures are in the areas of workers' compensation and tort liability. Provision for these risks is made <br />through participation in the Texas Municipal League's risk pool. <br />I-4 <br />