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4ft AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY & THEFT PREVENTION AUTHORITY Form ABTPA-104 <br />WMUour Caz (Ol /12) <br />PROGRAM NARRATIVE <br />To be considered for funding, a proposed grant project: <br />1. Must address a problem that is clearly identified, is measurable and is supported by relevant statistical <br />evidence; <br />2. Must minimize duplication or overlapping of existing programs; <br />3. Must have a design wherein the activities and objectives are realistic and attainable; <br />4. Preferably should, but is not required to, be innovative in its concept/ design/operation; (a project is <br />considered innovative if it provides a new and different strategy or approach that prevents, deters, <br />intervenes, or stops a criminal act from occurring); <br />5. Must have a cost structure which is realistic when compared to its goals; <br />6. Must cooperate and coordinate its activities with other appropriate agencies/projects; <br />7. Must include a proposed evaluation design that provides relevant data to measure the effectiveness <br />of the project and a plan for performing such evaluation; and, <br />8. Must include measurable objectives to reach the standard goals of the authority's mission, listed <br />below for each category of funding: <br />Standard Goals for Categories Listed Below: <br />The categories below reflect more enforcement activity, thus the suggested goals are directed more <br />towards similar activities. <br />(T01) Law enforcement, detection and apprehension; (T03) Prevention, anti-theft devices and <br />automobile registration; (T04) Reduction of the sale of stolen vehicles and parts <br />Goal 1: Reduce the incident of Motor Vehicle Theft. <br />Goal 2: Reduce the incident of Theft from a Motor Vehicle. <br />Goal 3: Public Awareness methods used to educate the citizens of Texas and training of qualified <br />personnel in the detection and prevention of auto burglary & theft. <br />Goal 4: Help increase the recovery rate of stolen motor vehicles <br />Goal 5: The number of persons arrested from motor vehicle theft. <br />Goal 6: The clearance rate of motor vehicle thefts <br />Goal 7: Prevent the incident of fraudulent titles and registration of stolen vehicles. <br />Goal 8: Reduce the incident of automobile insurance fraud. <br />(T02) Prosecution, adjudication and conviction <br />Goal 1: Prosecute auto burglary & theft cases as presented by law enforcement. <br />Goal 2: Accept referrals on at least auto burglary & theft cases as presented. <br />Goal 3: Obtain indictments involving organized auto theft rings and/or insurance fraud. <br />Goal 4: Obtain convictions on auto burglary & theft cases. <br />(T05) Public awareness and crime prevention <br />Goal 1: Public Awareness methods used to educate the citizens of Texas and training of qualified <br />personnel in the detection and prevention of auto burglary & theft. <br />Goal 2: Assists ABTPA grantees with public awareness activities across the state. <br />Goal 3: Raise awareness of vehicle crimes and knowledge of prevention methods. <br />ABTPA-17 of 31,. - 136 <br />