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Aft AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY 8c THEFT PREVENTION AUTHORITY Form ABTPA-104 <br />Waah Yr C_ (oinz) <br />2. Fringe Benefits Narrative <br />(Describe fringe benefits and how expenses were calculated). <br />The fringe benefits for each Detective with the City of Paris include health insurance, life insurance, retirement, worker's <br />compensation, unemployment and disability. The fringe benefits were calculated using the City of Paris standard rates for each of <br />the various funds the city contributes to for the employee and is the same as the other employees with the City of Paris. The fringe <br />benefits were also calculated from the Lamar County Sheriff's Department; however, their fringe benefits are different. Lamar County <br />does not calculate life insurance separate from the amount the employee is allowed for health insurance which is $873 a month. <br />Lamar County does not have disability and their unemployment amount is.038% compared to the City of Paris' being 1%. Lamar <br />County also has a different rate for worker's compensation which is 3% compared to the City of Paris 5.28%. Finally Lamar County <br />contributes 10.86% to the employees retirement compared to the City of Paris' 12%. <br />125 <br />ABTPA-6 of 31 <br />