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k. - <br />GRAIVTS•GOV" <br />Opportunity Title: <br />OfFering Agency: <br />CFDA Number: <br />CFDA Description: <br />Opportunity Namber: <br />Competition ID: <br />Opportunity Open Date: <br />OppoRunity Close Date: <br />Agency Contact: <br />IRUral Jobs and Innovation AcceleraCOr Challenge i <br />Lobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge ~ <br />11.307 <br />Asaistance <br />12RURAL <br />ebecca Moudry <br /> <br />02.482.0562 <br />Move Form 10 <br />Complete <br />This opportunity is only open to oreanizations, applieants who are submitting grant applications on behalf of a campany, state, local or <br />tdbat governr»enf, academfa, or other type of organlzatlon. <br />`Apptication Flling Name: Paris Economic Development Coxporation <br />uxumenLs <br />Enter a name for the applicadon !n the AppqcaUon Ffpnq Namo Reld. <br />'sMIF -1'his sppIication Cen be corflpleted in Its erltkety OMine; lawever, you wllf need Eo lopin Up Ihe websNe durinp the submi8sfon process. <br />- You can ssve your appfication at any time by dicking the "Save' button at the top M your screen. <br />- The'Sava 6 Su6mR' butlon wFll aol be hmctlonel untll all repWred date nelds in the applicetion ars compleled and you dkked on the 'Check Padcege for Emors• bulton and <br />cordirmed eN dafa requirad dsta flekls aro completed- <br />Open and eomAlote alI of tha documeeMa Ikted lo the 'Msndatory Oocuments" 6ox. Complate the SF-424 form first. <br />- Il is reoommended lhat the SF424 fortn be the first iortn complefed for the applicalion paokage. Dala entered on the SF-424 will populate data Nelds in olher mandafory and <br />optionel fomns and the user cannot eMer data ln lheee ibtds. <br />- TAe fortns ilsted tn tbe'Nfandatory Documents• boz and'OpUonal I?ocuments• may be predefined tortns, such as SF424, fomm where a document needs to be apached, <br />such as the Projecl NartgUve or a combinetion of both. "Mandatory Cocuments" ere requked for lhis aDpQcetlon. "aptional Dxumenfs" can be uaed fo provide additi~onal <br />supAort ior this appltcation or mey be required Ior speclfle types of grant activiy. Raference the spplicadon peckepe inslyuclions for more information regcrding `Opttonal <br />Documents'. <br />- To open arni complele a fortn, simply click on the form's name 1o select the item and Ihen cltck on the button. Thia will move the documeot to the epproprlale "DOCUments <br />tor Submission" 6oz and the tortn wRt be auloma0calfy addetl to your applica6on peckege. To vfew the form, scroU down the screen or aefect the fortn name and click on the <br />'OAen Fortn' butlon to beyln oompletinp ihe required data fieids. To remove s 1orm/documeM irom 1he'DaumeMs for Submissfon' box, click the dxumeM name lo select tt, <br />and then cUdc the - button. This w71 retum the fomJdowmenl lo the "Mandalory Documenis` or •Optional Doaimanls' boz. <br />- All documents ilsled tn the'AAandetory Documents• box must be moved W the'Mandatory Documenls for Submissian' box. When you open a requirod [orm, the flelds whkh <br />must be completed are highlighted in yelbw with a red border. Optional fields and completsd fletds are displayed in white. If you enter invaild or Inramplete fnfortnaGon In a <br />field, you will receive an error measage. <br />~ CIIck the "Save 8 Submtt" button to submit your applicatWn to Grants.pov. <br />- dnce you heve properfy compleled ell requlrod documenis and adached arry requlred or opdonei doCUmenteUon, ssve the compleled applicatlon by clidcfng on 1he'Save• <br />btRWn. <br />- Gick on the `Check Padcape for Errora` button lo ensure lhee you heve completed aU requlred dafe fields. Cortect any er►ors or ff none are lound, save the applicaUon <br />padteg9- <br />- The'Save 6 Submft" bullon will become aclWe; 4idc on the Save 8 SubmtP burion W bepin the appiicafbn submfstion propess, <br />MOVe Falm lo <br />Delsle <br />Grant Application Package <br />Attachmente Porm <br />(SF-4 <br />information for NOn-ConstruCtion Program <br />nces for Non-Construction Programs (SF-42 <br />ic Development Administxation Application <br />Forn1 <br />reove F«m io vptioaai uoeumems :or <br />S"bffgssi0^Ust Disclosure of Lobby <br />~Aove Fortn In <br />Delete <br />