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OMB Number: 4040-0004 <br />Expiration Dale: 03l31/2012 <br />Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 <br />• i. Type ot Submission: <br />~ Preapplicatian <br />Q Application <br />~ Changed/Corrected Application <br />` 2. Type oi Applicaiion: <br />Q New <br />~ Continuation <br />~ Revision <br />' If Revision, select appropriate letter(s): <br />' Otner (speciry): <br />' 3. Date Received: 4. Applicent Idenlifier. <br />ComDlded by Granls.gOV upOn cubnission. <br />5a. Federal Entiry Idenlifier, <br />5b. Federal Award Identifier. <br />State Use Only: <br />6. date Received by Stale: ~ <br />7. Staie Appiicelion Idenl'fier. <br />8. APPLICANT INFORMATION: <br />'a.LeQalName: paris Economic Development Corporation <br />' b. EmployerlTexpayef Identificalion Number (EIN/T1N): <br />• c. Organizal'bnal DUNS: <br />30116806990 <br />2968693300000 <br />d. Address: <br />` Streell: 1125 Bon6am Street <br />Street2: <br />~ CRY; Paris <br />County/Parish: E,-M8r <br />' State: <br />province: <br />'Country: <br />' Zp / Postel Code: 75460-4056 <br />X: Texas <br />uSA: UNITED STATES <br />e. OrganFzallonal Unit: <br />Department Name: <br />Division Name: <br />N/A <br />N/A <br />f. Name and contsct fnformaeon of peraon to be conlacted on matters Involving this apptication: <br />Prefix: Mr, ' First Name: <br />Middle Name: <br />' Last Name: Gilbert <br />Suffix: <br />Steve <br />Title: pcecutive Director <br />Organizalionai Affiliation: <br />Paris Economic DevelopmenC Corpoxation <br />' Telephone Alumber. <br />903-784-6964 <br />Fax Number: 903-784-2503 <br />'Email: <br />