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<br />, d' bout. 2~ tni1c$ South so Dcg. '!t'~t of Ulf.: City of r~ds.-'C(\lJntyor.&...,..r' .'00", °
<br />SHauti Ta)CIS I r~rL or the: hi\iC C,.uhe Survt'Y tJG2 ë\nd the! 1.('lnuel ("el" $ul.\lt:y 0' 00 0'"
<br />þlHS Stile b t C ¡ part of a 2GB.OS Icrc tract of 1and convc.Ycd Donna Joncs cl ¡1 by 0 ,
<br />r.JJ3, f'nd c 09 Va' 564 ra9~ 579, of th.e: Deed R~co..ds of $aid County i'lf,ð Sht~. 0 '
<br />\Iced I.cc~rð~d i~t an'l..on~pih (or co,.ner at 11',,: norlhc-asl eo'.nor of thc \l.H. 'Courl.1nd . 0."
<br />ÐC~ nn n9 1 corner of saId Jone~ e>t a1 tr.\ct or 1and. . . '0
<br />kurvcy .71 at,a~9cthc South Dounðary line or said JoneS ct al tr,,'ct. of 1~J\d as fd1-. ." 0
<br />r ~ICI\CC a 0 ]S ¡.Un. [~st. 644 ft.; South 89 Dcg. 30 "Un. [.\st 3sa ft.; fast at: " ,.0; ,
<br />10\ts:J,orlh 89 Di~ the: SouthC3Sl corner of' sa~d Cruise Su..vcy ~nd conU.,u~n9 on a tot, ,,';o,~.:,
<br />1368.5 ft. p3SS 4 5 (t to an iron pin for cor"e:r¡ 0 . '.. 0 ' ,
<br />ðlsl""ct! of' ~1~ h 31 Ðcg. 30 J,an. East a1ong U\e: l!t'st ßovndary lin~ of. r.1rm Road JJ7 ".. 0 0
<br />Thcnct! ~o~~4:S ft. to an tron pin for corne:r at tI.1e Inost tàslcrly r:O.4111l'ast ,COr'~' ,
<br />a dtshncc or sa1d JOI"'$ cot a1. tract of 1and :wd the! SoulhC'ðst cprl\cr ~r ~ t..acl or 0 00 '
<br />. ~~~. ~d the r.:\1"Is. Tè:cas Jnciuslrl~l. Fo'!ndaUon by deed rcco..ðcd 1n Vol.. £'34. ,"
<br />1¡nd co. 'Yf said Deed ~"(orðs; . 0 . ',,:, "
<br />P,,!;/: 5]9, 0 log th~ South Boundary tine of said foundation and th<! florlh Dounð3'-Y ',' 00
<br />¡hence: 4IJOnt'S c:t al tr¡cl of 1and ðS (ol1O\o/s: South 89 Oc9. l'!est 1551 ft.; t:o..th "
<br />line of ;;'~1n nl1cst 3182 ft. to a point for corner. in ð pool at the: SouUmC$t corne...
<br />89 Ek~. d . i tnct. of 1and ~nd an el co,.n(!r of sa ItS Jones ~t a1 lract.of land;'
<br />of s~\d rounS.Jllbn4 Ccg 13 tUn [1St a distance of 742 ft. .to the p14ce: or beginnIng ,""-': :
<br />Thcn~eOu_. -. . '0",.,. .
<br />
<br />. .
<br />
<br />~CT :u
<br />
<br />SHu;a (cd 2~ ~neS South 50 D~9. "!cs t of th~ .City of rari s, County of l~ln~r.
<br />and Stat.e of TCX3S. a part of' the Lemuel Ewcr Survey :OJ!3, and b~SJ')g a pðrt .of
<br />~ 268.05 i)cr~ lr~ct. of 1 and ccnvc.Ycd Donna Jones et a1 by deed recorded in \fol.
<br />!>S4, Pò)ge 579, of th~ Dced Records or said County and State.
<br />Se9:inning ~t an i,-oo pin for corner in thc West Boundary line or said (tlC!r
<br />Survcy ¡t ~n cl cor.~... of said Jones ct;.a1 tract of 1and~ said poInt. bcSn9 the
<br />SoL/thcas t (orner' Dr l11e Isaac Cruis~ Su.-vcy I) 6Z and the l:ol.lhN~ t corn~r or lne'
<br />H.c.pi ¡ P.R:R. Co. Surv~y :637... .
<br />Thcn;:~ South 0 Dcg.\)S J-Hn. l!cst 2 distan~e,or 924 ft. to an 'il.on pin for
<br />co'.l1cr ðt th~ ¡roOst faslcrly $outÑdCSot col-ncr of s-atd Jone-s- ct. al (I-act of l~nd;
<br />Th\'l1cc fast a distòncc of J062 ft. loan iron ptn for ,:ol.ncr ðt th~ Soi,lhl..c~t
<br />corn~r of ¡a t.-t1cl of land conveyed SI11,)' J. rc1rlridgc by ¿c~d ¡-cco,-d"d In \'01.
<br />583" Pa5c 203. or S.1td Dc"d ~ccor¿s, said poSnt. be-tog 1-~cst a distance of ~OO ft.
<br />f,.~ th~ Jnost C.1stcrly Southeast corner of said Joncs ct 31 tract. or land¡
<br />Thence l:ortb 34 Deg. East a dista~'c(! of ')50 ft. to an iron prn (or corn~r
<br />at the Horlh'.-cst 'corl1~r of saId PðrtrJðge tract. of lao,d; - . .
<br />,Thence Soulh S9 Dcg. ~S -line (ast ð distance of 200 ft. to.)n ii-on pIn for
<br />(orner at Ule J~orlhcast corner, of :5aSd rarld"ge lract. of land;
<br />Thence ..10ng lhc I-!cst Boundary l in~ of f41:rJ:8 Road 137 as fo11o\\"S: J.,'o'ur.d a
<br />curv~ to 10= left 184 ft.; J~orlh êS DI!,9. 35 l,~jn. [.ast 75 ft.; r:orth 31 Dc9. 30
<br />'oan. r3~t 616 ft. to an iron ptn for corl1cr;
<br />Thcn.ce J.:'t'st ¡ distance of 2826 ft. lo the pJ.,cc of bcgin!1!n9
<br />
<br />SUBJECt totoll And gas lease dated Au~ust 7,1982, to Chalmcra
<br />OperAting Comp~ny, appearing of record in Book 12, ~ge 9a, Oil ðnðCðs
<br />LeASQ Records of La~r County, Texas, ðnd AS ðmo~deð on July 6, 1982,
<br />between Donna Jones et al .and .00\1 CheJltica,l Company (successor to ChalII!.Cr.
<br />O~ratin9 company), and easemenU in favor ot 'rexa8 fower , Light'
<br />Col11panYas appear. of record. and a8 shcnm on IUXVCY m4de by J' M Nel',on '.00
<br />~g1.tered Fublic Survoyor of Teu8. No. 402S, d4teC1 April 22 '19Š2 and ~ '
<br />the ¡:sðrvatl0Q of 1/16tb non-participating :oya1ty interest for'lS'yeàr8
<br />J8t.4 e :in ~ed cåtðd 1i9 22, 1971.J. from Jack lUnkhead Will1&%U et &1 to
<br />. 1>. McLåu¡h1in J:.co~d4d in Book 5:.1.1, l'ag. 735, L&œ&r County Ð5ed ~cord.Þ
<br />
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