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<br />Situ~\cd "bout. 2~ Inncs South SO Ðcg. '.1cst of the! Ci ly or Pa."h; Collnty of' tðU\,H
<br />neS S\-,lc of Tc7.U, a p3."t o( the Jsa~c: C,-u\sc SUI"VCY 1)62, l\~a Jðl..:'.i\n SUI"VCY t419 :
<br />nð lh~ lc::1u~l r\~cr SÚ,-\'cy 13]3, and being ill t'.ðC~ ofl~od convc.)'cd U',c ri)ds, Tcx~~
<br />nduslrhl roul,($¡\ton by deed ,.ceo,"ded ~n Vo'. 550, rðg~ SS6. of the O;-cd ~cco,.ð~ or
<br />¡td County and State. :
<br />Ucg¡r,ntng ~ t 11\ "-on pin for co\.n~r in t1te South Sounda,.; l ~ ne of l11e Tcus ~I\d
<br />'ðdric: ~anl-o)d at the I:OI-UMcSt co,'t\C:r or s¡,d rovnd.)l~on tract of 1;)nð, saId l'otnt
<br />:cS8\g lnc II:O~t Uo'"lhel"ly UorLhca~t. co.-.,cr of' a tr~ct. of '1and col'\\'cycd C~nn! Jt')I\e$ ct
<br />1:1 d«zed, n:col"cScd 5n \'01. 584, r4lgc 579. of sa f c3 Deed Pecot"d'S., . 0
<br />Then,e South at 636 ft. an iron pin on ð poo1 b:\nk ~od c.ont.fnvtl"IS on ð löta' cBs
<br />tance of ]OS ft. 1.0 a po'nt (or co¡oncr in said pool ~t the Sov\.1"-Icst corner of staid
<br />.cundJUon lract. of 1.,nd and ¡)n ~1 co'oner or said Jones ct ~, trc\cl of ~~nd:
<br />. Th~nc.C alol'9 th~ South Boundå."y l inc of said rOUI\cf.1lfon l..."ct ~S rOnC\~: Soul
<br />'~89 Cc~. East 33 I-iin. East 3)82 ft.. r:orlh 89 Dcg. [as.t 1551 ft. 1.0 an ¡,'on p~n
<br />ror corner ¡t the Southeast. corocr of $aid fo"h&1.~on tract of 1ðnd and the: l:orthcc\St
<br />:orilc:r, of said Jon~S ct al t'.ðct of 1anð;
<br />Thc:nc.e: r~dt'th 31 0"9.30 Hin. E'ast alot1g the Wc:st Gout1~r'y l\nc: or f"lrQ Road 137'
<br />cHst~I"c:,of 310 (t. to a concrete: ~r"cr for corner:
<br />Thence: along the Sout.nc:rlyBoundlry lin~ of looP 1t\-I.1. 285 as 'fO"C',1S: Uotln Z Ce,
<br />1S JoHn. ~~st 214 ft.. North 39 Oèg. 15 Inn. Wcst 654 ft.: "°..(.11 49 Des. 15 Hin; 1-:cst
<br />JOZ 'ft,; J:orth ~4 Deg. West ~]6 ft. to a concrete rn~\-1:c:r for corner at t~ ~st. J:orth
<br />cr1y r:orLht!ut èor,,~r.of said foün<btfon tr~ct. or 'and~ ! - o. .. 0
<br />7h~nc:e South/S Dcg. 1-!cst a1ong the South Sout1do .
<br />ar:¡lin: cr sHd Tcx~s ~nd Pacific: ~i1road: -
<br />\1 <Shhncc, of 3864 ft. to tJH: .p1¡ce of,
<br />~g¡nntf9,t "
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<br />I£.E~ ~47 ~24Q,
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