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<br /> THENCE South 76°12'E, 1,449.3 feet to a
<br /> point, the same being the Northwest corner of the
<br /> North Lamar Independent School District property;
<br /> THENCE South, 718.7 feet with the West
<br /> boundary line of said North Lamar Independent
<br /> School District property to a point;
<br /> THENCE South 30°20'W, 232.8 feet with said
<br /> North Lamar Independent School District property,
<br /> to a point, the same being the Northeast corner of
<br /> a 2 acre tract conveyed to G. Edward Clark, III
<br /> and M. Thamas Cuttrell by Estelle Council by Deed
<br /> dated January 14, 1984;
<br /> THENCE North 59°40'W, 295.1 feet with the
<br /> North boundary line of said 2 acre tract to a
<br /> point, said point being in the East boundary line
<br /> of the 6 acre tract under option to Northwestern
<br /> Corporation;
<br /> THENCE South 30°20'E, 215.8 feet to a point,
<br /> the same being the Northeast corner of said 6 acre
<br /> tract;
<br /> THENCE North 59°40'4J, 511 feet to a point,
<br /> the same being the Northwest corner of said 6 lcre
<br /> tract;
<br /> THENCE South 30°20'W with said 6 acre tract's
<br /> West boundary line to the place of beginning,
<br /> containing 17.55 acres of land more or less.
<br /> Section 2. The above described territory and area
<br /> so annexed shall be part of the City of Paris, Texas, and
<br /> the property so added hereby shall bear its pro rata part of
<br /> the taxes levied by the City of Paris, Paris, Texas, and the
<br /> inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all of the rights
<br /> and privileges of all the citizens and shall be bound by the
<br /> acts, ordinances, resolutions and regulations of the City of
<br /> Paris, Paris, Texas.
<br /> Section 3. The above described territory is hereby
<br /> zoned Office District (0) upon annexation as provided for in
<br /> Zoning Ordinar_ce No. 1710 of the City of Paris, Paris,
<br /> Texas.
<br /> Section 4. It is hereby declared to be the inten-
<br /> tion of the City Council of the City of Paris that the
<br /> sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this
<br /> ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence
<br /> paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared
<br /> unconstitutional or invalid by the valid judgment or decree
<br /> of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconsti-
<br /> tutionality or invalidity shall not affect any of the
<br /> remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and
<br /> sections of this ordinance, since the saMe would have been
<br /> enacted bv the City Council without the incorporation in
<br /> this ordinance of any unconstitutional or invalid phrases,
<br /> clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections. It is further
<br /> hPreby declared to be the intention of the City Council of
<br /> the City of Paris to exclude any area or areas described in
<br /> the description of the property to be annexed, which are not
<br /> within said City's jurisdiction to annex and that such area
<br /> or areas should be carved out of the description of the
<br /> property herein described by the valid judgment or decree of
<br /> any court of competent jurisdiction, in order that such area
<br /> or areas would not cause this annexation ordinance to be
<br /> found to be invalid, voidable or void.
<br /> Section 5. This ordinance shall be published and
<br /> passed in the r_ianner provided in Article II, Section 7, of
<br /> the Charter of the City of Paris, Paris, Texas.
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