Laserfiche WebLink
property lirie ol' tne shonping center, then southeasterly a short di;tancc to <br />properly ti e i n to th-e ex i sti ng ciiannel . <br />On tne west side of the sfiopping center prooerty, drainage tidill be diverted <br />oif or the pro,erty. This should be dore on7y with fu11 knovilee:lge of adjacent <br />property 06Jflet"j and coopera'Cive effowt to provide adequate drainage facilities <br />aloiig this naLural drainage wray. <br />A ttac'ried is a copy oF a let'Ler from t}ie Texas H1CJIlway Departnent. !-ie caneur <br />tiā€¢tith ;:i:eir policy proviciir,g c7eGn aiit access in the storm sewer oipe at, <br />i n terval s of riot nare tnan 500 feet. <br />Approval oi the Site P7an is recomm--ncled subj--ct to th_- exceptions lisied <br />above bei rig provi ded -For. <br />Than!c you. . . . <br />..t~~;,=-~="~ <br />ETl(11 SKi 17 ~i ngsl,~~~ ~n, Jr. <br />G~ ~Joe N. t1cColluri <br />