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ORDINANCE NO. 2119 <br />AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE F,xTENSION OF CERTAIN <br />BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PARIS2 PARIS2 TFXAS, AND THE <br />ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY CONSISTING OF 41.7412 ACRES, <br />MORE OR LESS 2 WHICH IS LFSS THAN TFN PER CENT (10%) OF THE <br />TERRITORY INCLUDED WITHIN ITS PRESENT CITY LIMITS, WHICH <br />SAID TERRITORY LIES AATACFNT TO AND ADJOINS THE PRESFNT <br />BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PARIS, PARIS, TEXAS, AND PRO- <br />VIDING ZONING CLASSIFICATIONS FOR TRACTS 2 AND 3. <br />WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council of the <br />City of Paris, Paris, Texas, where all interested persons were <br />provided with an opportunity to be heard on the proposed <br />annexation of the following described territory: <br />TRACT 1: Situated in the County of Lamar and <br />State of Texas, and described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at a point in the C/L of Highway 271 <br />East, said point being Highway Station No. 132+62.4, <br />also being in the City Limits line described by the <br />City Ordinance #1816, dated February 3, 1967. <br />THENCE North 21°31' E with the present City <br />Limit Line a distance of 50 feet to a point in the <br />North R.O.W. of Highway 271 East; <br />THENCE S. 68°29' East a distance of 308.8 feet <br />to a point, said point being the P.C. o.f a curve, <br />said curve has a radius of 5779 feet, D= 1°02' and <br />an internal angle = 150 27' to the right; <br />THENCE along said curve a distance of 1559 feet <br />to the P.T. of said curve; <br />THENCE S. 530 02' East a distanc e of 3412.2 feet <br />to a point, said point being Highway Department <br />Station 185+42.4, which point is 5280 feet from <br />point of beginning; <br />THIIVC E South 36°58' W a distan ce of 100 feet to <br />a point, said point being in the South R.O.W. of <br />Highway 271 East; <br />THIIVCE N. 53°02' W. a distance of 3426.2 feet <br />to a point, said point being the P.T. of a curve <br />having R= 5679 feet, D= 10 O1' and an internal <br />angle = 15°27' to the left; <br />THENCE along said curve a distance of 1531 feet <br />to the P.C. of the curve, said P.C. is in the South <br />B.L. of Highway 271 East; <br />THENCE N. 68°29' W. along the South R.O.W. of <br />Highway 271 East, a distance of 322.8 feet to a <br />point in the South R.O.W. of Highway 271 East; <br />THENCE N. 21°31' E. a distance of 50 feet to <br />the point of beginning, containing in all 12.1212 <br />Acres, and being a part of Joseph Leach and John W. <br />Williams Headright Surveys. <br />