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BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES <br />This list describes each of the City of Paris' standing citizen boards, commissions, and committees. <br />Committees include one Council Member liaison and one or more City staff liaisons appointed as an ex- <br />officio members. The Mayor and City Manager also serve as ex-officio members to each committee. Ex- <br />officio liaison members may participate in discussions of the board, commission, or committee, but shall not <br />participate in voting. <br />In addition to any qualifications mandated by State law, appointees to a City committee shall also have: <br />1. No delinquent indebtedness to the City. <br />2. No family relationship within the second degree by affinity (marriage) or within the third degree by <br />consanguinity (blood) to any member of the city council or to the City Manager. <br />3. No conflict between the appointee's private interests and duties and their interests and duties as a <br />committee member. <br />4. Attendance at a minimum of 75 percent of all regular meetings. <br />In order to improve the diversity and community input, appointees are limited to a maximum of two <br />consecutive full terms on the same committee. If an appointee has prior consecutive service as the result of <br />filling a vacancy, prior service shall not be included in the count of three, consecutive full terms. <br />Additionally, service on other committees shall not be included in the count of three, consecutive full terms. <br />Appointees are not prohibited from serving on additional ad hoc committees or standing boards, commissions, <br />or committees that are purely advisory. <br />AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD <br />No. of Members: 7 Length of Term: 3 yrs. Appointed By: City Council <br />Regular Meeting Day: 3`d Thursday Meeting Time: 5:30 p.m. Meeting Location: Council Chamber <br />Duties/Purpose: Acts in an advisory capacity to the City Council regarding Cox Field, its airfield and <br />business operations, facilities, long-range planning, and special events. <br />BAND COMMISSION <br />No. of Members: 7 Length of Term: 3 yrs. Appointed By: City Council <br />Regular Meeting Day: Quarterly Meeting Time: TBD Meeting Location: TBD <br />Duties/Purpose: Sec. 2-552 of the Code of Ordinances states that the Commission is responsible for the <br />organization, discipline, membership, and duties of the members of the Municipal Band and the Leaders or <br />Instructors thereof, and may regulate same by such rules or bylaws as they may deem it necessary to pass; <br />provided, that no rule or bylaw or amendment of same shall be in force or effect until the same has been <br />submitted to and approved by the City Council. Membership is reserved for a representative of the Visitors <br />and Convention Council of the Lamar County Chamber of Commerce, one active member of the Band, and <br />three members to be appointed at-large. Must be a resident citizen of the City of Paris. <br />City of Paris Boards, Commissions, and Committees Description Revised 04/10/2012 <br />62 <br />