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(g) The provisions of this section shall not apgly to mobile <br />home parks already in existence and operation at the time <br />of the passage of this ordinance except as to new construc- <br />tion or expansion, and such existing and operating parks <br />shall be treated as a non-conforming use insofar as the <br />requirements of this section are concerned. <br />SECTION VII - LOCATION: Mobile home parks may be located only on <br />property zoned for that specific use in conformity with the com- <br />prehensive zoning ordinance of the City, and in addition to the <br />requirements contained herein, each boundary of the park must be <br />at least two hundred (200) feet from an <br />building located outside the park, unlessPseparatedrtheaefromlby <br />a natural or artificial barrier, or unless a majority of the pro- <br />perty owners according to area within said two hundred (200) <br />feet, consent in writing to the establishment of the park, pzo_ <br />vided, however, that the provi3ions of this section shall not <br />apply to mobile home parks already in existence and operation at <br />the time of the passage of this ordinance, and such existing and <br />operating parks shall be treated as a non-conforming use insofar <br />as the requirements of this section are concerned. <br />SECTION VIII - MAINTEIVANCE: Ever <br />mobile home ark shall maintain sucherark °wning or operating a <br />P P , and any facilities, <br />fixtures and permanent equipment in connection therewith, in a <br />clean and sanitary condition and shall maintain said equipment <br />in a state of good repair. <br />SECTION IX - OFFICE BUILDING; Each mobile home <br />park shall be <br />provided with an office, in which shall be kept copies of the <br />Register of Occupants as defined b <br />as rules and regulations, to be available~for Xinseection b well <br />enforcement officers, public health officials, CiPy Fire Marshal, <br />and other public officials whose duties necessitate acquisition <br />of the information contained therein. <br />SECTION X- RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR PARK: <br />of the owner, his a ent It shall be the duty <br />~ 9 , representative or manager to prescribe <br />rules and regulations for management of the park; to make ade- <br />quate provisions for the enforcement of such rules; and to sub- <br />scribe to any and all subsequent rules and regulations which may <br />be adopted for the management of such park. Copies of all such <br />rules and regulations shall be furnished to the City Council, rn <br />addition thereto, it shall be the duty of the owner, his agent, <br />representative or manager to comply strictly with the following: <br />(a) Frovide for assistance in the regular inspection of the <br />water and sanitary convenience. <br />(b) Provide for the collection and removal of garbage and other <br />waste material. <br />(c) Prohibit the placing or storage of unsightly material or <br />unsightly vehicles of any kind. <br />(d) Provide for the regular cleaning, painting and repairing of <br />all buil dings, <br />