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(e) Take such other measures as may be deemed to be necessary by <br />the City of Paris to preserve the health, comfort and safety <br />of all persons residing in the park and the general public. <br />(f) See that copies of all rules and regulations are prepared and <br />posted in conspicuous locations throughout the park. <br />SECTION XI - MANAGEMENT OF PARK: Each mobile home park shall be <br />under the direct management of the owner or his agent or repre- <br />sentative, for whose acts he or they shall be fully responsible. <br />The name of the person entrusted with the direct management of a <br />park shall be filed for reference with the City Clerk. Such per- <br />son or persons must be of good reputation and character and shall <br />satisfy the City Council of their experience and capacity to su- <br />pervise, manage, regulate and control the park and maintain good <br />sanitary conditions in and about the park. <br />SECTION XII - MOBILE HOMFS OUTSIDE LICENSED PARK: It shall be un- <br />lawful for any person to locate or maintain any such mobile home <br />in any place in the City of Paris other than duly licensed and <br />lawful mobile home park, unless such person shall first secure a <br />permit from the City Council, or its designated representative, <br />upon written application therefor filed with the City Council, <br />giving the name and address of the applicant and a description of <br />the property upon which said mobile home is to be located. The <br />City Council shall refuse to grant any such permit unless the ap- <br />plicant shall first show to the satisfaction of the City Council <br />that there are adequate water and sanitary facilities avalable <br />within reasonable distance of such mobile home location, or that <br />the applicant upon locating upon said premises, shall provide or <br />cause to be provided the same. It shall be unlawful for any per- <br />son, firm or corporation to maintain, locate or live in any .such <br />mobile home without first obtaining such permit from the City <br />Council o.f the City of Paris, Paris, Tmas. Said mobile homes <br />shall be subject to the same inspection and fee provided in <br />Section XVI below. <br />SECTION XIII - ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION: It shall be unlawful for <br />any pers perating a mobile home <br />to construct or permit to be constrPcted~in~suchyparkaorobnlconome <br />nection with such mobile home any additional structure, building <br />or shelter in connection with or attached to a mobile home, ex- <br />cept, however, awnings of canvas or metal, suitably constructed, <br />may be attached to said mobile homes. <br />SECTION XIV - WATER SUPPLY; An adequate su 1 <br />drinking and domestic purposes shall be suppPied~toPmeetWtherre~r <br />quirements of the park. The water supply shall be obtained from <br />direct hookup from mobile home to connections provided by mobile <br />home park. <br />SECTION XV - SANITATION FACILITIES: Ea,ch park shall be provided <br />with direct hookup sanitation facilities only. <br />