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1, Be in writing; <br />2. Specify the public nuisance and its location; <br />3. Specify the corrective measures required; and <br />4. Provide for compliance within ten (10) days <br />from service thereof. <br />The order shall be served upon the owner of the premises by serv- <br />ing him personally or by sending said order by certified mail, <br />return receipt requested, to his address as shown on the currect <br />tax rolls of the City of Paris, Texas, If the owner of the pre- <br />mises fails or refuses to comply with the orde:' of the Chief of <br />Police or his duly authorized agent within the ten (10) day period <br />af ter service thereof, as provided herein, the Chief of Police or <br />his duly authorized agent shall take possession of such junked mo- <br />tor vehicle and remove it f rom the premises, The Chief of Police <br />or his duly authorized agent shall thereafter dispose of said <br />junked motor vehicle in such manner as the City Council may pro•• <br />vide. However, if the owner of said premises so desires, he may <br />within said ten (10) day period after service of notice to abate <br />the nuisance, request of the Clerk of the Corporation Court of the <br />City of Paris, either in person or in writing and without the re«- <br />quirement of bond, that a date and a time be set when he may appear <br />before the Judge of the Corporation Court for a trial to determine <br />whether or not he is in violation of this Ordinance; and said trial <br />shall be set as provided in Article VI hereof. <br />ARTICLE VI JUNKED MOTOR VEHICLES <br />PRELIMINARIES TO TRIAL IN CORPORATION COURT <br />Upon receiving a request for trial, made pursuant to <br />Article IV or Article V hereof, the Clerk of the Corporation Court <br />shall set a date and a time for such trial on the Court Docket, <br />The Clerk of the Corporation Court shall notify the City Attorney <br />of the date and time of such :hearing. The City Attorney shall <br />cause to be prepared, filed, and served on the defendant, a written <br />complaint charging that the owner or occupant of the premises, as <br />the case may be, has violated this Ordinance. After service, such <br />complaint shall be on file with the Clerk of the Corporatio n Court <br />not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of trial, <br />ARTICLE VII - JUNKED MOTOR VEHICLES - <br />TRIAL IN CORPORATION COURT <br />The Judge of the Coxporation Court shall hear any case <br />brought before said Court, as set out herein, and shall determine <br />whether or not the def endant is, in fact, in violation of this <br />Ordinance. Upon a finding that said defendant is in violation of <br />this Ordinance, said defendant shall be deemed guilty of a misde. <br />meanor and subject to a fine in accordance with the penalty provi- <br />sion hereinafter set fKth. The Judge of said Court shall further <br />order such defendant to remove and abate said nuisance within ten <br />(10) days, the same being a reasonable time. If the defendant <br />shall fail and refuse, within said ten (10) days, to abate or reM <br />move the nuisance, the Judge of the Corporation Court may issue an <br />order directing the Chief of Police to have the same removed, and <br />the Chief of Police or his duly authorized agent shall take posses•. <br />sion of said junked motor vehicle and remove it from the premises. <br />The Chief of Police or his duly authorized agent shall thereafter <br />dispose of said junked motor vehicle in such manner as the City <br />Council may provide. <br />ARTICLE VIII - JUNKED MOTOR VEHICLES - <br />REMOVAL WITH PERMISSION OF OWNER OR OCCUPANT <br />If, within ten (10) days after receipt of notice from the <br />Chief of Police, or his duly authorized agent, to abate the nui•• <br />sance, as herein provided, the owner or occupant of the premises <br />shall give his written permission to the Chief of Police, or his <br />duly authorized agent for removal of the junked motor vehicle from <br />the premises, the giving of such permission, shall be considered <br />compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance. <br />