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Section 10. Any persony firm, or corporation within the City of Paris, <br />or any plumber, master plumber, employing plumber, or journeyman <br />plumber, who shall construct or make any gas connections or installations <br />contrary to any of the rules and regulations herein prescribed, either for <br />himself or as the representative of a firm or corporation or other indivi- <br />duals, or who shall use the same without first securing a certificate from <br />the City Inspector as herein provided shall be deemed guilty of a misde- <br />meanorp and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding Two <br />Hundred ($200o 00) Dollars. Each day that said use shall continue, after <br />notice from the City of Paris to discontinue the same, shall be considered <br />a separate offense. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with <br />this ordinance are hereby: repealedo <br />This Ordinance shall become effective April 1, 1960, <br />Paesed and adopted this 14th day of March, A. Dp, 1960. <br />' <br />~ <br />Ma. yo r <br />ATTES : <br /> <br />- <br />City Clerk <br />APPROTED AS TO FORM: <br />L" <br />City Attorn y. <br />. <br />