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ORDIIVANCE NO, 1514 <br />r.r-.-----° <br />AN ORDAVANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO, 902, PROVIIIING FOR <br />BOAT, MOTORBOATg AND MOTOR REGULATIONS ON LAEE GIBBONS <br />AND LAKE CROOK; PROVIDING FOR THE REGISTR.ATION OF ALL BOATS <br />USEID ON LAKE GIBBONS OR LAKE CROOK; PROVIDING FOR A FEE OF <br />ONE ($1.00) DOLLAR FOR THE REGISTR.ATION OF EACH BOAT; PRQ- <br />HIBITIlVG SKIING ON LAKE GIBBONS AND THE USE 4F ANY MOTORBOAT <br />OR AN-Y OUTBOARD MOTOR IN EXCESS OF TEN (101 HOR.SEPOWER; <br />ADOPTING ALL OF THE PROV'ISIONS OF THE WATER SAFETY ACT, <br />PAS'SED BY THE FIFTY-5IXTH LEGISLATURE IN 1959, WHICH ARE APPLI- <br />CABLE TO EITHER OF 5AID LAKES; PROVII?ING FOR REGULATION OF <br />SKTING ON LAKE CROOK AND SETTING UP RUI:.ES AND REGULATIONS <br />FOR PERSON5 ENGAGED IN SKIING UPON SAID LAKE; PROVIDING FOR <br />SAFE TY DEVICES ON LAKE GIBBONS AND LAKE CROOK ON BOATS <br />BEING OPERATED THEREON AND LIFE PRESERVERS F4R ALL <br />PA5SENGERS; PROHIBITING THE THROWING OF TRASH OR REFUSE IN <br />THE WATERS OF LAKE CROOK AND LAKE GIBBONS; PROVIDING THAT <br />EACH OFFENSE SHALL BE A MISDEMEANOR AND PUNISHABLE BY A <br />FINE OF NOT TO EXCEED FIFTY ($50, 00) DOLLARS; AND REPEALING <br />ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH, <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />PARIS: <br />Tha,t Ordinance No. 902 be, and the same is hereby amended as <br />follows: <br />Section 1. That all of the provisians which are applicable to the <br />waters of Lake Gibbons and Lake Craok, of the Water Safety Act, Cha.pter <br />179, House Bill No. 11, passed by the Fifty-Sixth Legislature of the State <br />of Texas, i.n 1959, and effective August 12, 1959, be, and the same are <br />her eby adoptedo <br />Section 2o That on and after the passage of the effective date of <br />this ordinance, it shall be unlavwful for any person or persons, firm or <br />corporation, to operate a motorboat which is powered by a motor in ex- <br />cess of 10 horsepower, and for any person to use an outboard motor upon <br />any boat in excess of 10 horsepower, upon the waters of Lake Gibbons. <br />Section 3. Tha.t all skiing is hereby prohibited by any person or <br />persons upon the waters of Lake Gibbonso <br />Section 4. That all boats or watercraft required to be registered <br />with the 5tate of Texas shall be registered in accordance with the Water <br />Safety Act of the Fifty-Sixth Legislatureo That in addition, all boats, <br />canoes, or watercraft used upon the waters of Lake Gibbons and Lake <br />Crook shall be registered with the office of the Public Works Department <br />of the City of Par3sy and each person shall pay annually the sum of One <br />($1.00).Dollar for such registration, and when in use the registration <br />number and receipt shall accompany each boat or watercraft used on the <br />waters of said Lake„ That the fees derived from such registration shall <br />be placed in a Lake Improvement Fund and used for the purposes of <br />improvements on Lake Gibbons and Crool. Each boat or watercraft <br />used upon the waters of Lake Gibbons or Lake Crook shall be given a <br />number at the time the same is registered with the City of Paris, and <br />all boats with motors of 10 horsepower or under shall display the City <br />registration number, and all boats above 10 horsepower shall display the <br />State registratian number, each of said numbers to be of at least tiiree <br />('3j inches in height. <br />