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Thence South w3th the EBL of said 13th St. S. E. 150 ft. <br />more or less to the intersection of the EBL of 13th St. S. E. <br />and the NBL of Clarksville St. ; <br />Thence in a Southeasterly direction wiih the NBL of said <br />Clarksville St. 185.5 ft. more or less to the place of Beginning. <br />Sa3d property described herein being owned by The Sarah B. <br />Gri.ffith Estate and Marie Wright, <br />Sect3on 2, Tha.t the City Eng3neer of the City of Paris be, and he is <br />hereby directed to change the Zoning Ma.p of the City of Paris, in accordance <br />with the provisions of Ordinance No. 1409, aS amended, and in accordance <br />with the provisions of this ordin,ance. <br />Section 3. Tha.t all of the above described property shall be and it is <br />hereby placed in the First Fire Limits of the City of Paris. <br />Section 4, That all ordinances and parts o£ ordinances in conflict <br />herewith are hereby expressly repealed. <br />Section 5. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon <br />passage. <br />Pa.ssed and adopted by the Ci.ty +Council of the City of Pa.r3.s in regular <br />session convened at Gouncil Chambers on this the 12th day of December, <br />A. D., 19 6 0. <br />P <br />, <br />A T TES T • <br />Ci.ty Clerk <br />APP.~L-PVED FORIUI: <br />City Atto e y. <br />