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Section 9. That no person, firm or corporation shall leave any unused <br />electrical equipment within or upon public or private buildings or premises, <br />if, in the opinion of the Electrical Inspector the same constitutes a hazard <br />or danger to life or property, including unused electric range insta,llations <br />and unused contractor` meter loops. <br />Section 10. No person, firm or corporation shall insta.ll the following <br />electrical equipment, without having applied for and received a permit from <br />the Office of the Department of Public Works of the City of Paris, to-wit: <br />a. A w indow unit air conditione r of the size of 1/ 2, 3/ 4 <br />or 1 Horse Power motors, or installation of motors <br />in excess of the above. <br />b. Where sufficient additional circuits are added that <br />require a master switch. <br />Section 11. That no person, firm or corporation shall cover up any <br />electrical wiring in the process of construction without inspection by the <br />Eleetrical Inspector of the City of Paris, and the Electrical Inspector of <br />the City of Paris shall have the authority to require any person, firm or <br />corporation, which has so covered electrical wiring in the process of con- <br />struction, to uncover such wiring or electrical equipment which has been <br />concealed without aru inspection by the Electrical Inspector. <br />Section 12. Any pe rson, firm or corporation who shall violate any of <br />the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, <br />and upon conviction therefor, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding Two <br />Hundred ($200.00) Dollars, and each and every dayts continuance of any <br />violation of the provisions of this ordinance shall constitute and be deemed <br />a separe.te offense. ` <br />Section 13. If any section, sub-section, clause or phrase of this <br />ordinance , for any reason be held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such <br />holding or decision shall' not affect the validity of the remaining portions <br />of this ordinance. <br />Section 14. All ordinances or parts of ordinances of the City of <br />Paris, Texas, or of the Natianal Electrical Code, conflicting with the pro- <br />visions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. <br />Section 15. This ordinance shall take effect on the 1 st day of <br />September, A. D., 1961. <br />Passed and adopted this 14th day of August, A. D 1961. <br />~ <br />~ <br />Ma yo r <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br />City Clerk <br />AP.pR VED AS TO FORM: <br />Gity A torney. <br />