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If the service facilities such as garbage grinders, washing ma- <br />chines, etc., are to be served, the design should be increased 50% for <br />each such facility; that is, for a home without special facilities the de- <br />sign basis would be 50 gallons per capita per day, and if a washing ma- <br />chine or garbage grinder is to be used the design would be 75 gallons <br />per capita per day, and if a washing machine and garbage grinder are <br />installed the design basis would be 100 gallons per capita, per day. <br />The tank inlet and outlet shall be protected from clogging by the <br />scum by the use of either 'Teetz connections or baffles. The 'Tee" or <br />baffles , shall extend 12 inches below the liquid surface, and if the baffle <br />is used it shall extend 6 inches or more above the liquid surface. <br />PIain-end pipe may be used if baffles are provided. If 'Tees"ake used <br />the inlet 'Tee't shall have the top plugged to prevent tank gases entering <br />the house line, and thus escaping to the house plumbing. The outlet <br />'Tee" shall be screened at the tope with corrosion-resista.nt material to <br />prevent scuxn overflow entering the effluent line. Elbow fitting will not <br />be permitted. <br />Section 3. All drainage field lines shall be designed and constructed <br />after a percolation test has been made and approve'd by the Plumbing <br />Inspector. The porosity of the soil shall be deterxnined by excavating a <br />hole one foot square and of a depth equal to that at which it is proposed <br />to lay the tile drain. The hole to be filled with water to insure thorough <br />moistening of the soil and allow the water to seep away. Then while the <br />bottom of the hole is still moist, fill to a depth of six inches and observe <br />the time required for the water level to fall one inch. The approximate <br />length of tile required per person based upon a trench 12 inches wide and <br />a sewage flow of fifty gallons per capita per day, is given as follows: <br />TABLE II <br />Time for water <br />to fall 1 inch in <br />Minute s <br />2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 <br />10 <br />15 <br />30 <br />60 <br />Over 60 <br />Approximate length in feet <br />of 4" tile in 1 foot-wide trench <br />for 50 gallons per day <br />25 <br />30 <br />35 <br />40 <br />50 <br />65 <br />90 <br />120 <br />Unsuita,ble <br />The minimum length of open joinx drainage tile shall not be less than <br />150 feet, even though soil tests indicate fewer feet of drainage field would <br />suffice. The effluent main from the septic tank shall be not less than <br />4-inch ti3;e , and it shall be a watertight line with a fall of 1 inch per 100 <br />feet. The open joint laterals shall be laid on a grade of 1 inch fall per <br />100 feet, and each lateral shall not exceed 50 feet. The open joint lines <br />shall be laid on top of a bed of gravel not less than 4 inches thick, and <br />the gravel cover shall be not less than 2 inches over the tile. The 1-foot <br />joints of the tile shall be laid with opening 1/4 inch between tiles, and the <br />upper half of the joints shall be covered with a tar paper or other ma- <br />terial which will prevent soil silting into the pipe and thus closing it. <br />The gravel used in drainage trenches shall pass a screen h.aving 2 1/2- <br />inch opening but be reta.ined on a screen having 1/2-inch openings. For <br />accuracy of grades, the levels should be checked by an experienced <br />operator using a farm level or better. instrument, and this requirement <br />