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~ <br />ORDINANCE N0. <br />AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISNING AN UFF STREET PARKING LOT <br />AREA AT AND UPON CITY OF PARIS PRUPERTY, BEING A LOT LOCATED <br />AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTII BOUIv'DARY LINE 0P' EAST <br />KAUFMAN STREET AND TfTE WEST BOtJNDARY LINE OF SOUTF-I CHURCH <br />STREET, FRONTING $7 FEET ON THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LTNE OF EAST <br />KAUFM:4N STREET APZD 74.5 FEET ON T?'r WEST BOUNDARY LINE OF <br />SOUTH CHtJRCH STREET; AUTHORIZING TIIE DIRECTOR OF Pt1BLIC WORKS <br />TO LAY OUT AND ESTABLISH A PARKING PATTERN FOR SUCH AREA; RE- <br />GULATING PUBLIC PARKING AND ESTABLISHING MIETERED TIME AIVD <br />CHARGES THEREFOR; PROFIIBITING THE PARKING OF VEHICLES UPON <br />AND TI-IE USE OF CERTAIN AREAS SURROUNDING PARKING METERED <br />SPACES DURIPSG CERTATN HOURS; PROVTDING A PENAL`l'Y AND PROVID- <br />ING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNGIL OF THE CITY OF <br />P ARI S : <br />Section l. That City of Paris property, being the <br />property and premises within the carporate limits of said <br />City and bounded on the North by East Kaufman Street and <br />bounded on the East by South Church Street, a nd being a lot <br />fronting feet on the South Boundary Line of East Kaufman <br />Street and 74.5 feet on the West Bourrl ary Line of South <br />Church Street, be, and the same is hereby designated as an <br />off street parking area for the use and convenie nce of the <br />public in the orderly ranking and parking of motor vehicles <br />under the rules, regulations, provisiais, restrictions, and <br />limitations herein imposed. <br />Section 2. Parking is hereafter prohibited at a11 hours <br />and on every day of the week on the area immediately North of <br />the above described iot, which area is commonly known as the <br />sidewalk area. Parking is hereby prohibited on the area <br />immediately East, between said lot and South Church Street, <br />which area is commonly known as the sidewalk area, at all hours <br />and on every day of the week. <br />Section 3. The Direetor of the Department of Public <br />Works of the City of Paris is hereby authorized and directed <br />to lay out and adopt a pattern which will:allow and provide . <br />for the orderly parking and ranking of twenty-three (23) <br />vehicles and provide meters for each of said twenty-three <br />(23) vehicles, making due and reasonable allowance and pro- <br />visions for the continued ingress and egress of vehicles to <br />be parked, and he shall to be elearly marked or other- <br />wise established the lines in which each vehicle shall be <br />parked or ranked at all times. <br />Section 4. The Director of the Department of Public <br />Works of the City of Paris is hereby authorized and directed <br />to mark and lay out such lot into twenty-three (23) lots of <br />equal width and length, leaving suf ficient space for automo- <br />biles to have ingress and egress to said lot. <br />Section 5• That said area be, and the same is hereby <br />established as a metered off street parking area, on any one <br />of wnich lots any person may park any vehicle, provided that <br />he shall deposit in a meter which shall be provided by the <br />City of Paris, at and immediately in front of such vending <br />lot, five cents (5¢) for each two hours of parking time. <br />That said meters shall be so constructed that not in excess> <br />of five nickels can be placed therein at one time, which will <br />provide a parking time of ten hours, or in the event less <br />time is desired, two hours for each five cents (5¢) deposited <br />therein. That it shall be unlawful to park any vehicle on <br />either of said lots, or in any portion of said off street <br />parking area wi~ out pla in~u~~o h rein one or mo e Zve cent <br />coins, and it shall be un~awr any person ~o eave <br />