(3) That the City Council has heard ali p:::rsons who appeared and
<br />dc-sireca to testify, oIbj~ct, or protest as to the special benefits
<br />in enhanced value to accrue to said abutting prooerty and the
<br />real and true owmers ther--ef as ccmpared W1tkl the portion o'l the
<br />cost oi constructing saiu i;nprcvements propo sed to be assessed
<br />acrainst saic at,uttin.c,a property, aiid has h ard ali parties appearing
<br />and offerin<; testimon,,', toyeth(,-r with all cbjections ar,d protests
<br />xelative ±o such riatter.s and r~,lative to any errcrs, invalidities,
<br />or irregula.rit?es in any of the proceedings and contract fo~ sai~
<br />i:nprc-.,ements, and has jiven e, fuli an-) fair h:laring to all parties
<br />making or ~~~siring to rnake any such protest or a'--j-ction or tn
<br />cff--r t^stimon,;,, anu has tul'_;., _xamined ana consid~~red a11 c;f said
<br />,viGence~ matt,~rs, t_~stimon,-arrj objr:ctions offi(-reu.
<br />(h) That the City Counci 1 J1C.7 COI'1S1C.°Z' and corrr;ct all errors, invalidities,
<br />ox do-"iciFncies culle:l to its attcn'~on and c:ici find zhat all proceedings and
<br />cc;ntracts vJere proper anc% wn accordanc,_-- witri the la,.rvs under which same urc
<br />boing hac and tivith the ,~'.irectives or said Cit~: .;ouncil in refcrsnco to such
<br />irapro .-=::nts, and that th~ s::me are, in al1 respects, vali.G ard r,_~gular, as
<br />CcI'Tf? C±E`d.
<br />ih-' :,,;ayor announc-d -tnGt the hcarina vias closEd, an6 directed the Cit;v
<br />.ttCiClF';' tU C)TE's arE c1n Oroll'lu:'?Ce 1f1C0Y'i-)G:C'c1'i.1C1c the findings OtY1C' Cl'ty
<br />:;ouncil when ;narr.
<br />(i) That based en the evidence, matters, objecticns, and testimonv considerec;
<br />at such hearinc, the City Council has d.etermined that the properties, and each
<br />anu parcel of such property abutting u;~on the strtets anc; units as hsre-
<br />inafter set out wil1 pe enYlanced in va?.ue anci speci:,lly bonofited :>y the cen-
<br />struction o~ such i.mg-)ro-v-e:n::~nts in an amount in excess cf th. ameunt of such
<br />irnprcv,-m.:_>.nts proposed to be, and as t:e-reinafte_^ assPssed against eacn of saicy
<br />parcels oi prcperty abuttin, upcn said strests ar.ca th:~ real anci -tru:_ ov~+ners
<br />-tnerec f .
<br />(j) :'hat the Cit,, -ouncii is kDf thc: cpinion ana. "inds that the i=ront Foot Plan
<br />nr Rule would result 3.n justice and eqLlity h:.~tvveen a1i parce=:ls o= property
<br />~-rithin th-. same units; and ~r--, City Council has deterriinQc to apporticn and
<br />assess the costs cn tnF= -Pmnt "~oot Plan or Rult, exccnt in the follrnwa.ng situa-
<br />tions ancl adjustments in assess.ments against corner properties, so as to pro-
<br />duce a substantial equality oF benelrits receiveC and burdens imposec?.
<br />:nd the City Counr.il. has iurtn~.r found upon the -videnc+:: considered that
<br />the assessments htr,-inaztex made ancJ tYi.: charges herebv deciarecl against said
<br />abuttiny prope-rties and the real and true ovmers thereof are just and equitable,
<br />-and a11 cbjections and protests th~~retn should be cv~rruled and denied.
<br />