S~=CTTC:i, 2. Therc ~.~ein; no further protests or testirnon;I fo:r or aqainst cx in
<br />reference to said impravements, henerits, or proceedings, saiU hcarina
<br />gjranted to the .real. and true owners of propert? es abtittiny upon sazd streets
<br />within thc, limits and units herein defin,,!d, and tc al.l persons, fi?,;r1s, cor-
<br />poratiens, and estat.-s, cvming o.r claimirng same, or ar,y, interest therein,
<br />shall be, and ±he same is hereby closed, and ali protests and objections,
<br />!~%rhethcr speciiically mentioned or not, shall be, and the same are hereby over-
<br />rulec; anr denied..
<br />~OI3. The -it}~ Council hF,reby iinds and cietermines upon the evidence
<br />h-ard in refcrence to each and ev;:ry pGrc:el c;F praperty abutting upon the
<br />stre~.:ts and uni.ts Yiereinafter set out tha-t the enhancement in vulu,~ to accrue
<br />uo saia pronerty and the real and tru,owri:,rs triereoi by "firtue uF the cen-
<br />struction of said improvE,mrjnis in saic purtzons of said stre~-ts wili be in ex-
<br />C:: SS Of the COStiS C-i S81C3 improv@il1en"tS UTOpOsC'6 t0 bC,, a11u a5 I'i;'I'c^111 aSSESSeG
<br />a;air.st said abutting properti;,s and the real and true oGVners thereof; and
<br />iinds that the apportionment or zhe costs of ssid a.mprovements and the assess-
<br />ments }:creinbelaw madc are just and equitable and prcduce substantial equality,
<br />eensidering the bencfits recF;ived and the burdt:ns impcsed thereby, and arc in
<br />accordance 1,vith the lallnis cf th-_- Stat~ of 'i'cxas and tha Charter of the Cit;r of
<br />ruris; ard furZher zinJs thut Ull proc=edings and centracts heretcfore had
<br />v,2th referance to saici improvements are in al'L respects, regular, proper, and
<br />~~alid, and that all prerequisites to the ~ixin~~ ri th: assessrnent liens against
<br />said abuttinu prooerzies, as he.reinafter dcscribed, and the personal liabila.ty
<br />of tr,C roal and tru<: o,,lmers thereof, whcther named or correctly named herein
<br />o-- not, nave 6e_:n in all things regularly had and perfor.med in cocripliance vJi-th
<br />the law and the proceeciings ct saici City Council.
<br />SLCTIGN 4. In pursuanc, oi said ordinances duly enacted by said City Council
<br />authorizing and erder.ing the improvement cf said streets and units, including
<br />tn,, said portions of sai.d streets and units nereinbelow set out, which ardi-
<br />nances Uiere passed, as aforesaid, on November 11, A. D., 1957, and in pursuUnce
<br />oi said proceedings heretofore had and enactcG by saia City Council in reference
<br />±o said. irzlprcvements and bv virtuc r..: F thc- powers vested in said City with re-
<br />spect to said street improv;ments :by the laws ai the State of Texas, UJith paxti-
<br />culax reference to Article 11105b, ''r-rnonts ::nnotated Civil Statutes of Texas, as
<br />amendec:1, and thc Charter oI the City o-f Paris, tnere shall Le, and is hereby
<br />ievilld, assessed, and tax.eu against the respective parcols ci property tierein-
<br />after ocscribed and abutting upcn the said stre:-ts anc units hereinarter set out
<br />and vJithin th,:. la_mi vs beloUr definc-d :an:l, against ther eal and true ovmers of such
<br />nropert;, whethcr sucn real and txut_ owners be named, or correctly named, or saa.d
<br />properties be correctly described horein, or not, the several sums of mont?y here-
<br />inbcicw mentioned and itemized oppositc-~ th~_- description of the respec-tive parcels
<br />ol said pr.opert;, the aescription ol," such properi:y, th~= number of front feet Ur
<br />-ach, and the several amounts Gssessed arainst the same and the real and true
<br />c.viners thereof, ancltdnere the amount so assessed arainst the ccrner pxoperties
<br />has b-on computcd by adjusting ttie =ror.tag~,, such amount so assessed shall con-
<br />stitute a lien against the entire property abutting the pavinr, actually con-
<br />structed and nct mercly aqainst the Gmount of :rontage used as an adjusted basis
<br />f::r tr~c: assessment, anu th-.-, names o: the appar~~nt etivn~~xs th~~reof, G11 as corrected
<br />and adjusted by saiu City :;ouncil, i,~~ing as fcllov~s, to-wit:
<br />