5rGTI0N 5. The assessments levied in Section 4, above, are ror a por.tion of
<br />which
<br />th~ costs o_F said irnprovements in the strec:~-ts and units thercin set out,
<br />are included in saica ordinances enacteu on idovember 11, 1957, and the assess-
<br />in(-_,nts -For the imp-rovements in saic7 units are in no viise xelated to, cr
<br />connF=cteG with the improvements or assessments in any ather or the streets or
<br />units described in said erdinanccs; and ir) levyin,c said assessments the amount
<br />sv assessea for the i^iprovements in said units have bacn in no vaise a-Eiected
<br />any Lact or thing in anv way connJcted with zho improvements or ay the
<br />assessments thereior in any other c_' said units. The omission of the improve-
<br />:n.?r:ts in any or sai.d stre<ts or units us a whole snail in no vvise af-Fect nor
<br />impair ~he validity o~ th: assessrnents in any other o:' sQid units and the
<br />omission of tho improvcman-t in any particuiar street or unit ?n front or any
<br />parcei oi property exempt -."rom the lien o-L- such assessments, or against vihich
<br />a valid property assessmcnt cqnnot be levS.ed, shal._ in no 4vise afrect ner irii-
<br />,)ai.r the validit;; ot th<_~ ass~::..smEnts ac~ainst the other properties in such
<br />units.
<br />S'H'CTlUIN o. The costis ol- said improvements shall be paicl as follows, to-wit;
<br />(e:) Thc Sity shall pay all oi the ccs±s or drainage instaliat1GnS, wherever
<br />located, ii= any, all th_ ccsts of c>;cavation, aase preparaticn and paving within
<br />street intersections, and no± 'ess than on-c-thi-rd. of i:hc costs of excavation,
<br />fJc3Se nreparation anca paving of al1 cth,_,r portions of the streets involved. Zn
<br />cases uvh~-rc th% C;it-,T -,ouncil. r,zay decn1 it ji.ast an(i proper, th:; "ity shall also
<br />;-a,,• all- c;r any part of tne amount or anv crejited adjustr.ncnt vahich mav be
<br />al?'_Otr,rE.'C1 ln the 2.SS.^SS!ilE'I1t O' a}JUttlrig ,.r'irQY)E'T'tiC'.S ciClG' t}l~' OVif1-^Y' i.}72'lE0 8S
<br />h-r-in pxovided, for th-- cost oi exc:avaticn, base, orepara~ion and paving,
<br />o:i 1ClSl:dllc7t101'1 o: vUT'".;S c;Y76 iuttP_!^S. Til,_ 1'°ii121t1i:`l~4 C."'S1i.s Oi ;.:IZ SUCh 1.'ilprou -
<br />,
<br />..,1 . • . . i t... -1-,: . , . . - . ' . , i.,_...
<br />....:.u.. :i_,.-_.. 1. , . i.,_ ~
<br />-1
<br />\ . . ...,....i:J .-I . :i:J .
<br />~_..vr t h:, r-Cl and trla o~:mers th y~of in
<br />,
<br />.
<br />h thc S' :-t~ltes cF T~:xas _,nd --he ilart= cf -th- it-,.o~ Paris
<br />T._l:: ti7. `.d0 dSS~SS:Ri'i7~ S~"1?il.l iJ'c' i~_:~r -:~7~31i1SL ~:1j~ d'M~Uttli1g pTOpEI:t~'
<br />OI' ZIZc- Y'eal clCl'•l -C1Lt=' tihF'2'C'Gi i':)COSj;S lil @XCC,SS G1 thc: K;@Cl°i'..tS tc) SUCIl
<br />p%'(C; lil =iaC:C'': V:1lL1~= `1.~1;.`'l~:'OT b~' !11c'd11S OF S1.J.C'Ci ~.(11~iT0'`JF':ieC1tS. 11'1e aTT1CUntS
<br />;I SUcri /aSSG5Si;1°PItS Stldll COC1S~~:.`U.-t::' c~i~-'' l1.:-C1 'a(7GY] :31 L SUC~'1 ~11r%_
<br />c r t.it'S ~.'::d a '?,;Y'SQI"l-i 1l1ab7.1.1+'i.';/ ot the 2'2c:1 7C1CI i:z'Ue O'v^JC1E,'TS th22':-O I, 4^1h2th2'l
<br />CCirz'C'C-LI_'•.' :laf1e'-' GT i]Oty a:::-7 Si1i11 be pu;✓ai~lE 1.!Z 1C1Stal_I:iE'CttS uS IUIIOUVS: ':~~riP.il
<br />'t,!Z-' liC)TGV~'^lcil±'S r:E'.=.?1C? iGI' 'tC'if: Str(:~-:5dS1gClati:C{ abOVp dlZta pOI'LI.UCIS
<br />~h^To^ ~ 1]aVC? bE('Tl CC'i'e1n1 C'teC7 dCId aGC°p tcr: bV -GCI(? _i4"i. - Ci F paT1S, thE'. aI110UC1t O i
<br />tns assessm2nt against each proper~jr abuttinq iherecn and thc real and true
<br />o,,vner thE:?„eof shail b: and b:>come pa~,:-~ble in fi~,G ;.qual dnnual instaiimonts,
<br />.:tiin T''5,71?Gt:-Vi'.l; t~"11I'''i.j/ (3li) i~u'y'S aft~~~~ vl~:: kI)D ±''VU tr1TC.':., t.3js LOUi ~-+'i~
<br />=1'i1G i1VF? V~~Z'S f`i^!.`iIl -C~"'1? C7a~"i,~. Oi aCr'.°p~:cC?G~' k~i' t~!"lE' i.l.ty', t0!1rt~"1F'r Vr1L~"1 1!~'
<br />C)Cl <'eiCtl 1C15t:aliilit?C]t I'l^vi?1 Sd1C7 dcttE.' Cr aGC^t?taI7Cf? UClt' l pa1C7.p aT, tCl--` i<]t:c:
<br />C* 51:: `.)c?Y' :,E'f1{:. pF?r c]11C1t'7;, pc3ya61E id:1flUal11 pY'OV1ded, 110N,'E'V('T, tili7t the
<br />O'="'JC?P,7' ^vf uil`f Of SaaCi pWOpF'Y"ty Sha11 1^1c1Ve tr1E, pi7.vl~i.(?g-": Gi pBylI"lj dl'1 OI' di?";' Oi
<br />G 111Si.21.1PIEC1tSa %;t aC1\' t1riZ~' bc-t02'= '_±'V 'i,hC?I'eOi YJy ~~~rl!1Cj t~'1C ~GO~C~31 <1f:10L1C1t
<br />OI trl;-, iriZ'1P.C117ai c;~_ such _nSta1l1T1C?:;t`o, t')g`'i.h'_'T L'.'it17 the 111iF.-_'E' it BGCI'I.IeCi til:.'1'20C1
<br />Cn th E _`a t r;T pay Il1:'Clt . i'Urth(-1,Z', l.f C'efaUlt b@ :Rc"ldc 1!7 t!1c-, p8;✓R1E?']"r of any Oi -thE
<br />sAd inst::l.±ments ::>f princioal or interost promp-tly as the same mature, then at
<br />th> option of the Cit;i of Paris, the entire amount o-F the assessment upon ~^rhich
<br />dF::rauit is mac1:), togethcr ~raith reasonaple attorn^yts -fees and all collection costs
<br />incurred, shall be and beccme i!nmediatcly Gue ano pa;Table.
<br />r%l1 such assessments levicd are, and srdl be, a personal 1iabi'ity
<br />and charae against the respective r,-al and true ovaner ar olvner.s of said abutting
<br />nropcrtics, not-withst'inding such ovm,~r or owriers :iay nr-t be named or correctly
<br />n,:med, and any irregularity in th^ n-srne o~ the propert; o.^.-n•=r, or thc descrintion
<br />^ r any property or the amaunt of any assesl~lment, or in any othcr matter or thin-D
<br />Sllc.i l CIGt ? i1 anyv11ri5c 1ClV"c]L16c1tF? Or 1::2Cclli BCItr aS5°SSfilEl'1-11- 1,-v1C:Ci h°Z-F'b,J~ aCidi c1C1,%
<br />SUCfi '!11S-Cc:kP, Qr c'7'Y'O1^, 1C'iVulld'l.'t'I9 Oi 1TrEg'..11aT'1t',i9 [';jay be, .`;ill"F i5 IlOt requi='2d
<br />t,: bc, in orc~'er to bF> ~:nf-orceable, a,rr,-_~cyed at any time b•, the 'itv Council of
<br />thc, City oi Paris, Teras.
<br />