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Trc totUl amounts assessed against the respective p,.rcels or property abutl:ing <br />,ipon the units or partiens of the streets above set out, and the rcal and true <br />c~~~-Jner or ownG:rs thcreri, are -the sai:ie, or ?ess than, the estimate of said <br />assessments prepared by the ;;irector of Public Vdc>rks and rapproved and ad.opted. <br />!D7 saic+ City Cauncil, Gnd are in accorcianee with the procecdings of said Cit,r <br />relative to said improvements and assnssments therefor, and with the terms, <br />povrers, anc3 prcvisions of said i-1r.ticle 11.05b of' "v'ernon's :nnotat,2cl ;}ivil <br />c;tatut-s c;f 'Texus, and th^ Charte~ of the ;~itv of Paris, under ,^:fhich terms, <br />~,rovisions, an:? pc~wers oi sai:~ Act said improvemcnts and assessments were had <br />and macle :by said Ci±y Council. <br />Passed ancJ adcpted this 14th day or April, D., 1958. <br />J_ 1v_),f ~eLz <br />b2ayor ~ <br />.TT.:STj / <br />Cit}, Cle~~k <br />..?P ':"LED <br />4k <br />-,it;r f> >rney. <br />