ASk Ab
<br />Ab Ak
<br />i he ow~ (l ) hoi= parkwng mt. ter ';s abcV_shed ora thc 'ast Side of Ist 5treet,
<br />~-o 7~v ir.•~edla°teky !~Ox.xth 0; fa,,,, i.r.i.:ersectiork of said street EAt~ ClarksvilI-.a
<br />~trec-t-, at7d the lbading zCSi°;,~ 'LL{:sated Soizth oi' s..-^~irl x~aekaz4g spacL`~ is QTekGby
<br />i:,~endad to and ircclijc1is~~ I;he ^;orth -Yv,d nf the afcresaic pai*ing sa<~I~~~
<br />~ec°tior, 4. (a) "3 hat Ss;,ctioa: 4 a f '~rdinance Tto ~ 1406;, "Mster~,,d
<br />pa 2`'~C~tv ~JYJI~$if~~. VA ~3.~~'I 1 1. J ~'~`.~.PL$'~e ~b;~e~Z"0L7 P8Y'~Cint~d1g ~'J~' az~tet~1C~eG~. yj a~~
<br />iCt 11 bws 8
<br />North Side of Clax;k5v3.Y1e Street, secord meter space,
<br />I - 15 ax€iriute ntoteru
<br />(b) That Sub4ivisior,: (b) o:" SpetioE: 4 of Or~in,aruce N+~~ 140nr:
<br />1130 lminute Mie~~~~~~ ~~rkcinr►°'G be antended~ as feliowv;
<br />Al:Y ;o rainute m.e'rer-~.~ spaces can~ained in this subr?a.vasa.onb
<br />which are Yoc~t.eci osl the outex peximeter o" the rpst S~.r~e
<br />k:3i' the Publir Se,,.aare-p16-1f, nuter p-rimeter of the Alc,rth Side
<br />of tCfC P.-u~~~~ ~quS3J'.C~: tiho "'ldtGr p4riSNVtei o1 thG' 8YV':3C. J.1-de
<br />of the nubYiv "°c;~ar~~ aod on the outex perimeter oE' the
<br />South 5ide e" Lbe Fubll<r Selasare,, arQ :~ercby deleied and
<br />ekimirtated,
<br />(e) Tha°c there z,j hereb}a createct aaroocarid the nablic eruare a
<br />~e,tp-red e~~~~ , core;;istl>,,,n c~ -P the r"o7.Iowir:g spacea s
<br />rn thr VJest 1,131de of4 LC14 Cc~t-wret:; Islant3d ~ocat€a on the
<br />East S;dQ o-f the z~~~ic Fosa~~~~air3~, 5 me•wer spaces fc~r
<br />parai.~d_t_.~l pa`r•kinar
<br />,."r. "wht~ ~~uth Side € the Cancrete Islasrd, ldcaiced ot~ the
<br />Nlorth 5ide af the F7ublic -,Pnur;tain~ vm.ter spaces ro:P
<br />paral.l.e! par4eingm
<br />r)a the Past `°~ic7e e~~ ~he Coxieretp Tsland,, located or, the
<br />West ridp oi' the %blic Fc,untai.n, 5metered 6paces for
<br />Pa:C'ail?yl ~~king6
<br />='`rx ~he ?dorth Side c> f the Ccwicre4~ ~ slandQ locatec3 fiouth or
<br />tI-ie Fubtic °oc3ntiz.r.l; 5, mv=~tered spaces fosy para1leI pa-r3-ainga
<br />nr: -C~~e 'East Side o a` Lhe% ciirb axourid the Pt:ibl3.c Fou~~tazn;,
<br />1*2 metered spaces Y:or tieact-in parkingn
<br />riTarth of Uh-, Nor'4li Ctaxb of Public Fountain,; 11 metered
<br />~pacc-s 'head-In
<br />i°;:~st Qf the '~?st Cur-b the Public rouutain,, 12 watesed
<br />spnees faa heae3-an
<br />"outh of the South [',qirb aa" the F.abi3.c Fountazni 11 meterea
<br />spaceg fnr par4l'I~~ ~arkia:g.
<br />3
<br />