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Aek Adh Ab .di► <br />°T'hat everyr ~erson vZia desires io park or stand an autamobile <br />or vehicle ir, ~ ~~texrci parl:ing snace created °ray t~-ils subdi- <br />tition shal'+ deposit a-ilive een* (5fl co3n af iche United <br />Sta~~s lrt the parkinr, meter aYongisde of ox next to such <br />parkir,g spac2g and thereby be entitled to park at such loca- <br />tion for a period of thir.ty (30) rsinutes. That evcry person <br />who uesa.res to park or stanr.l an autorrobile or vehicle In a <br />metered paxking space ~~ea%ed in thas sulodivision shall de- <br />pasit two - cetvt (5~) coins o f the Uriited States in the <br />parking cneter aloragside of vr next tti such parking space,, and <br />therekry be ee~it3ed to park at suth tocation $rss a period oi <br />one (1) houro T'hat any person who shait park are automobile <br />or vphic3e at ox upon any of suc-h spaces wtiexc maters <br />are instalied sai-chin the Iiml.ts hereinakove merationeei, writh- <br />out dE+Y30sit9.nCA a f -iVe ~eri"~ (5~) C47in O-f th@ tF[l7.ted St3t2'S fOr <br />thirty (30) miriutAS parking or two - f3ve cent (5¢) ca3.ns of <br />the United Staves for one (1) hour parking,, shal.3 be guilty <br />of ~llegaY psaxkirig oT statidirig or a vehic:te and sha:tl be suki- <br />ject tcr the }~enaltits he~~inaftp-r provided. Xn the eL?eYdt any <br />nersea park~ an automobile ortieh3.cle at a space ind3.cated <br />wi~hin the limit~,; prnv,_dcd ioa by this ordir~ance foi aloragex <br />period thati thirty minutesF wrben he has depoyiited onZy ane <br />five eetkt f50 cr.axrx crf the fleAited Statesw; ar :in the evertt a <br />persan parks ar-i autow3aile or vehic~e withirs tihe space indi- <br />e;atet3 vr In 4he lanni•~s provid2d Iy tnis subdiuision fcar a <br />lCtnt"~er p22"it}d ti:cn OCIIe htft3Ty tte yFldll likoN'lse }J2 gtfilty Qf <br />ars ot=fense of over parFging and ghal1 be subject to the <br />npnalt=_~~ prcsvidcci for over }aarking In Ordinance iLom l40ba <br />+,'d° Sub-~~ctioti (w), o?' Section d of C~~inanCe Nan 14061, 1160 Minute <br />;etete:~ed 'P~~king:a. .~S h~reby BmEsnd2el by add7l[Ygs <br />Tt~e North Side of MaVksville 5treet~ the metered space <br />East csf the intersection csf the North Side of CIarksvilxe <br />Stre~t with the East 5ide c,~s the Pulalic Sqcaare, I ~etereci <br />PaTkIng spaceu <br />Csn the South S'de of Grand Aveeiuez in the fir,t metered space <br />VVest of tihe intersection of the South Side a¢ Grarnd Avc,7ue <br />t:ith the West Siae of ti~e 11>uialic Se3uareN 1 mete-ted spacev <br />ntl th8 E85t r? dl? t7 A70rt1h Maifl Straotg ilkw.&9dir~~~ly NOrth t}f <br />thp prohih3ted ;~~rlkiaig area~; 2 metered paski.rag spaces. <br />Sectiori 5,, (a) ~la°c ",ri~cle X'!u 'Jsr 01°dinarace Nov 1406 be amerided <br />by adci t_ng thereto~: 5~ctien 7, as follovas : <br />rnat aiI parkirig i3 prohibitect up+xa any portion of the <br />Pc,iblic Sc#u~~ej~ e;cLe;-_+•L lrz the designated metered <br />spaces and 3oaciing zones set wap 3.n this ox°dinance9 and <br />ar°ry persanE. fiir~~ or cnrporat3on who shall park an autap <br />€r.obile ox° vel'n~cle utal.rz~ any partion of the Fublic Scuax°e, <br />4 <br />