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G`:-~LIPd~~JCE 14D3 ~ <br />.'l~v OrtDIN;;T~i;L ' 4Ni: PdDIivG U: JII~I~~I`~C;L N`,. 1318, ,',,DOPTED i:;N M?,YtCI-I 1~g A. L. 9 <br />19S4, _,E;EN`DTNG SECTIC:N 39 PEni~iITS, SUBDI-V1SI;Al! P'.-:C'L'IUING Iv"1NITv1tJ1v( <br />!ivSPECTluiv rEES r0E'11 D,kI't1E5; JID1IyG i~OR 1A1i\1Irv1tTM1 INSFEC1ICTv r'EES ~P3R i'ZILK <br />PRUllUCTJ P::CCrSSED 0; I',IST'iIL3UT~.L ''d~IT'Y1IN TI-lE CITY ~;r O.•a: IS i i I}:IIvG A P~1tNITdi!Jiv"! <br />:'EE 0-7 $6.00 E:=~"_'H n)R TH~: "N5?ECTTOi,; Ci r:LL D:;I1;IES SELLING iJLK VV`IT~':TN THE <br />:;IiY vF P.=1RI5; :IY.ING P, i:':lNl?vitJivi F,~'_-.E :::A: IN, Iti'iILK PR~'JtJCTS Oti <br />~ i M1;; - t- r 'i' ~ <br />t':;~C~SSOriS 0:~ 150.00 PEi? ~ ; ~'I, IIvG i~%uislt'~iUiv> EE 90~ PE.t CIvL ~HCUS,'.l~D <br />C,LLONS PE:c IvUNTH O'N' rRuCLSSING FU DIST:-;IbUT1.ivG :LAI~ITS LOC:''. TI-'.E <br />~I ~ Y ~i P:=.:~IS ; i IXI`iG .~A P~'iI't~Jll'~9Ulvi P'L~. _.F $1.00 i'ER i`ivF TI~USF,v]~FtR :'r :CES5ING <br />: L:NTS :ivD DTST::IBUTING PL.4JS L.OCAT'LD 1,11ifK,L'T TH;. CIiY LIMIT5, ..ND i~IXIING A <br />I',iINTIV(UNi FEE i~!F; -.LL PI~OGL-:5S(~~,a :',Nii U'rST:.1LtTitS 0`:~ :'~~iII.a'C ~='F~vCESS :~NL~ ;~IS- <br />Tnl,rTE LEaS TH-.iv TUEHNTY-rlVi THC;US..fvr G:;LI-ONIS P_E'~ P;ti1\1TI-I, ,T $25.00 EACf-i ?Er; <br />,t~IvTH. <br />BE T1 JY 11-IE CiTY :~-~Ui~?~~L T~Ii ~ITY P,~;.~IS: <br />Th,!t Urdinance No. 1318, adopted by the l.'ity Council of the City 01' <br />Paris on N,arch 15, 19541 bet and the same is hereby amended in the iollowing <br />p-~;rticulars. <br />Section l. 5ection 3, n~:RPe4l'i'5, Su'adivision, :"Ho". ':aid 5ubdivision <br />is hereby amendeci to read Gs follovls; <br />FELS. Every milk producer, milk hauler or operator of a dairy or dairy <br />farm shall make application tc the Birector oi` tne Paris-Larnar County Health <br />Unit, upon iorms prescribed @nd furnished by the llirector, for G pernu.t -'to ;ore- <br />duce millc, oper;:te :nd cio business in thc-, City o-f Paris. Such person shall pay <br />therefor in advunce the sum of Six (`b6.00) Dollurs, and thereupon shal.l receive <br />a permit in writing to praduce milk, operGte and do business in said City in <br />accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, which pErmit, unless revo}ced <br />as herein prcvided, sha11 continue in force until the enG of the calendar yeur <br />in which such permit is issued, and :>uch permit sholl be non-trunsferable and <br />shall be annually renevred upon application anci payment er a like sum in <br />accordznce with and SUbjeCt to the curtditions Und terrns of this ordinGnceo <br />Lvery milk distributcr, whether c` Grade y pasteurized milk and`or rnilk <br />pxoducts or Grade raw milk and/or ;ilk Nroducts, anc' every operator of a nilk <br />plant doing businsss in the City of Paris or within the police jurisdictien <br />shGll make application in tivriting ta the llirectcr et= the Paris L2mar County <br />Heulth Unit, upon iorms prescribed and furrishecl by suid Director, for a permit <br />to distribute milk and/or milk rroducts and to operate and do business in the <br />City oi Paris, paying thereior in aGvance a fee of Cine Hundred lFitty ($150.UU} <br />DollUrs for a Nermit authorizing such perscn, firm or corpcration, to distribute <br />milk anci/or miik pxoducts ancz to operUte and do business in the City of Paris <br />:or a period of one year from the date thereol, anci thexeafter, at th e end of <br />eUch calendar montYi during such permit year evexy sucY: milk distributox and/or <br />cpexator of a milk piant s11a11 make written report to tihe heulth ofl=icer <br />shcwing the total amount of such miik und/or milk products produced, processed <br />and/or distributed in the City of Paris during such preceding calendar mcnth. <br />Upon receipt oi= such report, the health officer shall conlpute in accordance <br />with the follnVh;inq scheaule thc additional fee zo be paid by any such permit <br />holder and prepare invoices theretor in triplicate, sending one of sucY: in- <br />voices -to the permit holder, one to uhe Gity Clerk of the C;ity of Paris, und <br />retaining the third ror his fileso Thexeafter, within ten (lO) aays from the <br />d<,te of such invoice, such perrnit hol-der shall pay to the City of Paris menthly <br />the additional fee shovm by such invoice, such fee to be co;aputed as follows: <br />(1) 'rVhere the milk past^urizing plant ar processing plant is located <br />cutside of the City Limits of the City of PUris, Texas, and the <br />premises of such plant is inspected under tne directien of th2 <br />Ifeslth C;fficex or under th;v direction oi the Hcalth Gfficer cl` <br />thc City or County in which said processing p1Gnt is located, <br />an inspection ,ee ef u`ne ~$l.OC) Dollax per one thousand (1t000) <br />jallons of milk*4pei~&seEi'under the prcvisions of this ordinUnce <br />sh,_,11 be paid by the hcl.dex c-,LF said permit e;_;ch month. <br />, r ' ' ta ~I t , ~ ~ ~it~. r ~f_ Paris <br />-.rodLac,ed, pz~oces.~ed, or ~_Lst,ribU J tnln U'r~ <br />( cor_•:.cted_ becal.zse of erro>n in °rurr. oriz;inal) <br />