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ARA Adk <br />Coriputations to deterrnine tivhether such lots or land rraill be flooded by <br />rainfall and the size of drainage facilities adequate to prevent flooding shall <br />be uased upon the "Rational Method" using the Texas Stats Highway Department's <br />Frequency of Rainfall for District 1t and a 5 year cycle for residential areas, <br />Class 1& 29 10 year cycle for apartment areas and rnass housing projects, and <br />25 year cycle for areas of lovaer zoning classification than residential. <br />I1o street shall be designed or allowed in any subdivision to carry more <br />surface Naater than can be carried 'oy the street when the water is running curb <br />deep. <br />All drainage easernents over or across adjacent tracts of land that are <br />necessitated uy the subclividing of a tract of land shall ae secured and fur- <br />nished to the City 6y the subdivider. <br />F. Sewage Collection gystem. <br />The sewac,e collection system shall be based on a design adequate to <br />carry the anticipated flow of sewage fro:n within the subdivision; provided <br />however, that the riinimum size lateral shall be six (6) inches in diameter. <br />The sewage collection system shall be designed in accordance v+ith <br />standard engineerir.g practices and the City of Faris' standard specificationso <br />The City of Paris may require larger sewer lines than are necessary to <br />serve the addition ir, order to provide for future development of the area, put <br />in the event that said laraer lines are requiredp then the subdivider shall be <br />entitled to participating aid fror.i the City on said over-sized lines. <br />G. ~~~ater Distribution Systemo <br />The water distriuutior syste;n shall be based on a design adequate to <br />furnish the anticinated water consumption vuithin the subdivision includin; <br />proper fire protection. The r,u.niMUm size branch shall be two (2~ inches and <br />the mir.iraunz size rnain shall be that required for proper fire protection and <br />water consumption. <br />Fire hydrants shall be located so that every lot within the addition <br />will bewithin 500 feet of sa,ie and further said hydrants shall be located so <br />as to conform to the overall plan of the Cityo <br />The City of Faris may reauire larcer vaater mains and branches than are <br />necessary to serve the addition or subdivision in order to provide For future <br />development of the areao In the event that waid larSer lines are required, <br />then the subdivider shall be entitled to participating aid fror.i the City on <br />said over sized lineso <br />H. Utilities Other Than Setiver and '.0'atero <br />The subdivider shall make arrangements with aIl other appropriate <br />utility companies for the extension of their respective utility lines and <br />service to and within the addition and for any costs or refunds of such cost. <br />I. Construction Easementso <br />A11 easehients that rnay `e necessary to provide ingress or ecress ta <br />the subdivision for the various utilities shall be provided by the subdivider, <br />vvhether across his property or adjacent lands. <br />SECTIOIV IX. PARTICIPATIDIG AID POLICY. <br />The City of Paris shall participate in the cost of required improve- <br />ments vrithin an addition on the following basis: <br />(1) Capital CLltlay. The capital outlay for all improvements shall be <br />financed py the owner or subdivider and any participatinc aid by <br />the City shall be in the form of reimbursernents over a period of <br />ti;,ie o <br />