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~ - <br />Advlk~ Alk ' <br />fifty (350) feet, nor be less than two hundred and twenty (220) <br />feet. l'dhen possible, the bloclc widths and lengths shall be such <br />as to allow two (2) tiers of lotst back to back. <br />(10) Street l"didthso Arterial Streets shall have a minimum width of <br />right-of-way of eighty (80) feet and a Minimum paving width of <br />sixty. (60) feett back of curb ta back of curbo ColI.ector <br />Streets shall have a minimum width of right-of-rway of sixty <br />(60) feet and a minimum paving width of thirty-nine (39) feet, <br />back of curb to back of curb. Local Streets shall hav° a minimum <br />width of right-of-tivay of fifty (50) feet and a Minimum paving <br />width of twenty-eight (28) feet back of curb to back of curb, <br />except that in the case of curvilinear streets, where the <br />center line radii is less than 500 feet, such paving widths <br />shall be increased to thirty-two (32) feet, back of curb to <br />back of curb, al.onq the curvilinear portion of the street. <br />(11) Standard Street Width, The standard street widthon which the <br />subdivider shall be rer,uired to construct all street and <br />drainage improvements shall be that of a Collecter Streetp i.e., <br />thirty-nine (39) foot fron back of curb to back of curk>. A11 <br />street paving over this width shall be subject to participatin; <br />aid from the City as set forth in thic ordinanceo <br />(12) Street Names. New streets shall be so named so as te provide <br />continuity of names with existing streets. Sa.milar or identical <br />street names to streets already existing in other parts of the <br />City shall be avoidedo <br />(13) Alleys. Alleys or loading and unloading courts shall be provided <br />in blocks to be used for any purpose other than residential. The <br />minimum right of way rJidth for such alleys shall be thirty (30) <br />feet and shall be paved in their entirety. Should alZeys be <br />platted in residential areas they Mall have a minimum right of <br />way vridth of twenty (20) feet and paved to a minimum of sixteen <br />(16) feet. Alleys shall be provided where existing alleys of <br />adjacent subdivisions iaould be closed or shut off se as to deny <br />said existing alleys of separate ingress and egresso <br />lot s}iall ae platted in suc'rl :<lanner as to force er render aesira:ile <br />I~c ~c~cpc ~ ~ax~cacao~cgac ~ckk xRa:oa~c ~C ~ct~ xoc~c ~c~c X4c0~9c ~ xe~&c x <br />xD7XX=)ajd@C7-X t:le :JL11 ~G1Tl j i,11GrC'O!? o1 an;r if1-pI'O`✓C':i1E'f1±S 4°J:1J.Cr1 1aCE , -io:r'UClt Oi i dVe <br />the ::iain entrance on an alley. <br />B. Easements, Except where alleys of the Uridth set forth herein are <br />provided leasements not less than fifteen t15; feet in width, seven and one- <br />half (7-1 ~ feet in width on each side of the lot lines, shaZl be dedicated on <br />all rear lot lines and on side lot lines as necessary for municipal and <br />utility use for polest wires, conduits, storm settrers, sanitary sewers, water <br />linest open drains, gas lines, heat lines, or e$er public utilities. Such <br />easements may be reqpired across parts of lots other than as descri-bed above <br />upon recommendation of the City Engineero <br />C. Lot Arrangements. In oeneral the side lines of lots shall be <br />approximately at right anales to the street lineo If possikb, the pla cing <br />of adjacent lots at right angles to each other shall be avoided. <br />(1) Lot Size - The minimum lot size of any lot shall conform to <br />existino zoning regulationsp but in no instance may a lot be <br />platted ef less than fifty (50) foot frontage, measured at the <br />building or set back linet and with an area of not less than <br />six thousand (6000) square feeto <br />(2) 4ccess to Lots. Each lot shall be provided with adequate access <br />to an existing public street by frontage along such street or <br />throuyh connectiQn of a new street or a permanent easement to an <br />existing streeto <br />Do Surveyo <br />(1) Accuracyo Al1 survey work around the boundary area as well as <br />within the subdivision shall have an error of closure of one in <br />seven thousand five hundred (1/7500) or lesso <br />