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~ ~ . <br />`:.11Jliri"1iuv.C :dU• 1325 <br />rui ~ff~D17,,Al,E i=11:ij i~l--i`-' l,ii: r{AT~t'. u411 TA\ LiN A,,i) L;±JYi,~j ru) <br />rr'L3T5, EX:~5, :=U~~ rF;Z z 1954, <br />~.c;:r~~.s r~L cir~~' Ui: "I' <br />; l~t~i.E r%rcVPEia1:' +~1T~iI:~ THE SAi~ CITY ttlS~ TTXt~a? <br />~;iERE tiie CiLy Councii o: the ~it<<of Paris, i'exas ;ias heretofore <br />approved the final re; ort of the 'Hoard of Equalization hexetofvre appointed <br />b, zl,e City :.ouncit uf tt-.e Citx a'i' t-axis, 1'exas, iti,herein said rsoard cr <br />Ertzalizatior, finds and fixes t;aE value o~ all property si:.uated withir; <br />City oi i=aris, Te,:as, sub,;ect to ad ialore::~ i.axes, such tc-tal valuation <br />beiri_~ ti,e su;.i r,: y171150,0ar;a <br />~ti17L.c,EAS, in accorclance wi tiz ti,e ;;xo,/isiors of the Charter of the City <br />-f k,aris, iexas, the Cii,,anac~er hUs Y~eretofore su,b,~itted to ~'rie City Coun- <br />ci1, a proposed ;Dudye t af the revenues of the and the expenditures for <br />tiie conduc;: of iiie affairs thereoi, providin;; a co,iiplete 'iinanciai plan ror <br />i,i;E.' x15Cc3l 'y'@dZ' b@,,1;1:11C1;J .>Ulj/ .L, 19J4, dC1CJ Zi]:.ill., JUilB I95J; dTl<; <br />:aiEEr;i.;aS, the (.3iiy l.'ouncil has herecofcre, by ordinance adopted tiie <br />bud;~et appropriatin~ fro:~i ad va:lore;;i taxes the followin, su;°:,s, to-wit: <br />~eneral : unU y21J,090.90 <br />Debt Service iunci 108)04J.54 <br />1.1 ;.:.~i7ti~. " C:1L 0' r Ti-ii: i. !Y .)t <br />lacril iiI 11L' LlTt~ L''tilv <br />PH:d6: <br />6ectior-, 1. Tlia'L trtere shall be and is iierebj levied for the year <br />195=+ and ordered to ae collected a tax o-I $2.10 on each and every UiZE r1liiillRED <br />DuLLn:6 ($100.00 ) oi' the assessed valuation of all prooerty of every de- <br />scription subject to taxation within the corporate limits of the City of <br />raris, and that said tax so levied shall be distributed and apportioned as <br />follovas: <br />For the payment of CURRI:iJ EXPEIvSES of the C;ity ~overnrient <br />of the Ci-ty of Paris, on each and every One Hundred Dollars vvorth <br />of property situated within the corporate limits of the City of <br />Paris and subject to taxation, a tax of (of which $0.03 will be <br />xor the operation of the Paris ;;iunicipal Lanci) ~1•40 <br />M <br />ror paying interest and a sinlcinc, fund for ~4A LR- <br />'"JOit: BOTQS, Series "u", on each and every Cne Hundred Dollars wori.h <br />of pr.operty situated within the corporate limits of the City of <br />Paris and subject to taxation, a tax nf <br />r"or paying interest and creating 2 sinkinc; iund for RErUND- <br />ITG 3ui05, 1927 issue, on each and every une Hundred Dollars VJOTtY1 <br />of pronerty situated within the Corporate Lii.lits of the CiLy of Paris <br />and subject to taxation, a tax of ~0.155 <br />ror payiny interest and creatinj a sinkiny fund for 5EviER <br />i:OIvSTRUCTIUii BuINIS, Series 1934, on each and every Gne hundred <br />Doilars worth of property situated within the Corqorate li;,iits of <br />the City of paris and subject to taxation, a tax of :~0.025 <br />ror payin, intexest and creatiny a sinnin-, rund for City of <br />Paris, Texas, RE"r'UI0I1vu 30TtiDS, Series 1935, on each and every Une <br />Hundred Dollars vrorth oc property situated ti°aithin the corporate <br />limits of the City of Paris and suuject to taxation, a tax or ~0.175 <br />For paying interest and creatin; a sinking fund for CITY UF <br />PARIS, TEXA.S, RESURrACING BQNDS, 5eries 193e0 on each and every <br />One Hundred Dollars worth of property situated within the corporate <br />limits of the City of Paris and subject to taxation, a tax of $0.024 <br />For payiny interest and creating a sinking fund for City <br />of Paris, Texas, AEATTOIR BOIvDEi, Series 1936, on each and every <br />one Hundred Dollars tvorth of property situated within the cor- <br />porate limits of the City of Faris and subject to taxation, a tax ot $0.01 <br />