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For paying interest and creating a sinkin; fund for CITY OF <br />PARIS, TEXAS, STREET It,,PROJEiZN'T BUIZS, Series 1937, on each and <br />every One i-iundred Dollars worth of property situated within the <br />carporate lir;its of the City o; Paris and subject to taxation, a <br />tax of <br />$0.01 <br />For payiny interest and creatiny a sinking fund :or CITY OF <br />PiLKS, TEXAS, STREET Ti~iPROZ'~EIVT BOMDS~ Series 1938, on each and <br />every One Iiundred Dollars woxtri of property situated within the <br />corpora te lirnits of tne City of Paris, and subject to taxa 4-ion, a <br />tax Of <br />'PO.Q2 <br />ror paying interest and creating a sini:ing fund for CiTY 01~ <br />PA`rilS, TEXAS, STREET II::PRO1EiN1EivT BJ1ZS, Series 1939, on each and <br />every one Iiundred 'uollars worth of property situated within the <br />ccrporate ii;nits of the Ciiy of Paris, and subject to taxation, a <br />tax of <br />$O.Olu <br />:°or payiny interest and creatiny a sinking JLund for CITY k')F <br />PfV3IS, TEriAS, ~dA?ERIVuFtKS Ct;TuSTRUCTIvtv BUT,1DS, Series 1939, on eacii <br />and every vne Hundred Dollars worth of property situated 4vithin <br />the corporate ii.nits of the City of Paris and subject to taxation <br />a tax o f <br />$0.01 <br />ror payin; interest arid creating a sinl<inj rund for CITY uF <br />.i~tlS, TE:GAS, "llivE '~iARRA:4''I5, 5eries 1949, on each and every One <br />1-1undred Dollars vJOrth of property situated within the corporate <br />' irai i,s of the Ciiy of Paris anci subject to taxation, a tax of <br />:60.015 <br />Setiver Cunstruction i3onds, Series 193u, for paying the <br />in±erest and creatin; a sinkin; iund therefor, on each and every <br />C,ne iiundred Dollars wortn of property si tuated within the corporate <br />limits of the City of Paris and subject to 'raxation, a tax of <br />$Q.LL,5 <br />1 CTAL $2.10 <br />Section 2. There is also levied and ordered to be collected against <br />each and every person, firm or corporation an occupation avithin the <br />carporate lirnits of the City of Paris, except where levy of sa:ne is expressly <br />iorbidden by general law, an occupation tax and license iax ecaual to one-ha1f" <br />(1/12) oi tr;at 1evied by the State of 'iexas against such occupation. T'riis <br />provision applies to eacli and every occupation upori vJhicr: tiie State of Texas <br />levies a tax anci : ixes a license fee and or:ly to such occupa tior,s. <br />Seciion 3. The City Tax Assessor and Collector of L-he CiE:y of raris <br />is liereby directed to assess, extend and enter upon tiie tax rolls of ;.ize <br />C1i:y Oi Paris, T@XdS, fOT tlle Ca1z'T'@C'it taxable year, t;;e c3i,l0UClts and raies. <br />herein levied anU to ::eep a correct account of sa~~e, and -the t;axes herein <br />leviec' sl:all ;je cullected as prcvided by ~he ordinances and the Ciiarter o: <br />:,e Cit~y of raris, Z~exas, aricl t:ze lav,~s of i;7-:e State o~ Texas; and when so <br />collecLed, same shall be deposited iri t;ie depositor;- of ;,he City of raris <br />40 ~)e distribu~ed in accorGance tivith ordirlance. <br />Section 4. Current ad valore;„ taxes rcr the ,eax 1954, paid on or <br />prior to aece::iber 331, 1954, sha111 `,,e subject i.o discour.ts as iollows: <br />1;Iree per cerat is paid ori or ~~efore 1-:ctober 31, 1954; <br />Tv°JO per cent if paid af ter vct-ober 31, 1954, anu on or <br />bel'are ove,.i;;e.r 30, 1954, '_,ne per ceni: if pai(I aiter <br />:.cver;l)er 30, 1954, and or or oeiore Decer;ia)er 31, 1954. <br />Section 5. till ordiriances anU parts of ardinances in conFlic4 here- <br />wi ci: are i~erepy, expressl,,, rerealed. <br />ihis ordinarice si-iall be and rectain in full force anci eifecG from and <br />ai uer its passa~e ar;d approval by tlie vi ~;r Council oi the -ity~ of Paris. <br />