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AFPRCP?~IA''IQ?~% ORD TT,, AP': C~1 r; C~ . I?~` g <br />. <br />Al~- ORD?:P,:AP~CL ADGPTIP,,C~ A FUDGEET FGR T};E Ei`~SUT~(,- <br />FISCAIr `r'EAR, EEGINP,;TrJG JI1LY 1, 1.9, c, AND EVDTT` 7 <br />JUT~E 309 1956, II`, ACCGRDANCL WITH TH M'ATME'i <br />On THE CITY OF PARIS; APPRGPTZIA TTrt,-, T%E VARIGL'S <br />A"VTOUNTS THEREO: AND RFPEALI;,r AtL ORDI'v~ANr,ES C`? <br />PARTS Gy OnDINA~'CES IT,' (',ONFLIC`i HERFWITP. <br />VJIiEREAS, tl-;e Ci_ty Mana,,-,e .r of' the City of Pa-ri.s ras <br />get of the <br />suhmillted to the City Council a pror.o,;Pd hlzd <br />revenuAs of sai d City and the exper:ses of conductin~ r,he <br />affairs thereof and providir:~ a cornplete finarcial_ nlar. <br />for +-,he ensl_ii.nE fiscal_ vear, t,e, 1955, and <br />endin~; June 30, 1956, and which saicl ~rcposel budu?t has <br />heen compi led from detai7_ed informati.n, n ortaine<_i _frc?m the <br />severa]_ departments, divi sians and off; ces of the Ci ty; <br />and <br />WNEI"LEAS, t}'e "itv Couricii ha-, rece;.ved saad "7tv <br />Yi'ana~,er's proposed b~zdFe±, a cop-~ T ;~f which propose(i budget <br />and .a11 suppo.rting schedules have bPen f'i i ec3 wi t-.h tl-lP !'ity <br />Clerk af t'ne Ci f-y of Paris, a.nd is of t;he opinion t,'~a+-~ the <br />samp sbould be approve(i and adnpte:1 an(I trat a publ.ic <br />hearin~- hefore the Citv' Counc;.l has been x)rovidPd _ror as <br />,.reqtjir'ed by Art,i (-l? V, SPCt-i_or> 50, of t,he Chart,P.r or, the <br />CitJr of Paris, `T'exas; <br />PXW THEREFGRE, PE I`" :'ftDA.INET) F?Y TNE ~T'"Y ^CI?i'vCIL <br />TrlE CITY GF PAPIS: <br />Sectior, .l. `I'hat, raroposed hudp-et nf, the revernaes <br />of the City oi Pari.s and the e:Ynerses of conducting the <br />af'fa;_rs ~hereof, nrovidinr a cnmp]_efi.-=~ finano-~ al plan foi- <br />t~"1° 8Y1SU1T'!~; f]_Sr'al ~,r?c~T' hef?'1i1]'1)r~c, ~i1l.-1i':' 1~ aI"(i P,rd1.Y1p' <br />June 301 1956, as slzbmi. ~,t,ed t,c) the rittT 0 3 znci l by t,he Ci.t-; <br />T'JanaF,er nf said Citv, he, arad t-Lie same. is in al.l thin(rs <br />adopted and approved as t;he bi..idFet oP aZ t of the current <br />expens?s as well as thN fixed ohar~,es afra;.nst sai.d City for <br />thp fiscal year neFinninq Ju1-y l, 1055, and endiner <hlnP 30, <br />195 h, <br />~~ctior 2, 'ihat the s~zt~ of '~h ;',Y , 39~Y. 5f i s tiAr~rebv <br />appropriated c~izt of the ~enera] f1znd. for the PaymPnt, of Y <br />aperatinE expenses and cap:ital outlay of t}ip C:i.ttr uovern- <br />rtient as hereirafter iterni.zed: <br />GET~E RAL ~'1L`VERN11%'IEP~ T : <br />CitiT Counc?..i 2,250.00 <br />Administrat ive ~ 0, i5i • 2!: <br />City Attc~rnelr 20 <br />. <br />~85 .44Y <br />Tota1' <br />IN AN i,E ; <br />~ <br />Accoi.ant;_n~~ and Audit;irg ;:12,9,r>.b0 <br />Assessment Collectiors 222.P0 <br />of' Taxes <br />To t aJ 3 5,1,-08 0 <br />PU£LIC SAFETY <br />Poli_ce 1->03~'•''3 <br />-ir~ ~ • l ~ <br />iotal. .'186,221_ . 86 <br />PLiRZ,ZC' VJOI"LK5: <br />Er~-ineeri.n7 061.20 <br />Parks ar.d iPoreation 223 . `,2 <br />Sanitati.on 20( 2.?r, <br />r t`F • r.y Y <br />S+-,reets ~i~hwatrs 92, rh • <br />