<br />~ r,>0~.°~'
<br />Publ,ir
<br />?,ightirlg
<br />12~550.00
<br />Csara~-e
<br />10 a 071.52
<br />Wafi,er
<br />Watpr
<br />Fi1_1in7, s Co1_l.ectino-
<br />Pr.od?iction
<br />P,Ph4 .44
<br />50 ,I1.p.~C'
<br />Water
<br />D;_strihution
<br />73,S?7 ,,70
<br />Sewer
<br />Pil]inr, &; Co7]Pctin~
<br />6,773.40
<br />Sewer
<br />I,:aintPnance
<br />~
<br />1~5,10
<br />Sewer
<br />Treatmert
<br />20,165.,50
<br />Tot.a1
<br />Health Unit ~1_5.32~.55 0
<br />Tatal 1f~,~21. 5O
<br />Airport (Cox FiP7_cl ) i; 2, ~2`%. 50
<br />Paris Fand ,5~?.20
<br />Ki.n;'s Daughters ?,I~00.00
<br />Libra-rv 8, 502.00
<br />Ci_va l De.fense 600.00
<br />TOt ct 1 C01,T1!`~(7.Er?1 i tll`IJ r 1V_4.(000
<br />,..~..~...00
<br />!?X'CZI.A motcl 0
<br />Sectior.~ T?~at the :~~_l:n oi ;~?19~7.,Q.~~' ~.s r~erebv
<br />appropriated out, of tYie general debf-. sPrvice fur.d fa-r tr-~
<br />piarpose or' pa;~~~L:T ,~-t~;, i--,`erest due on general abligatior.
<br />k)onds and t~ mP warrants, redeem I.nc the s?ri_a1 bonds as thev
<br />matlare, a.nd crPatin~ a s-_nk.in~r flznd T~?ierefor. "
<br />SPC't.lOn /E. 'liP Slli]1 Qf' :,'!~,1~,?21,~• i;' i.g herF?by c1UT?7'O-
<br />pri ated oiit of the titi'ater ard Snwer 710v,:~Y,,- Fnr~I F,arl foi-
<br />t1,e z}u.rpose of payyri;? the accrued infierPst arirI mik;r(- t}7-i
<br />nrincipal. payments as the sa.me matlare or.l the water and
<br />S('WP,2^ T'PvP_I11.1e hn2'1dS' and CY'E'2+~11'!c?' fi'f.tP, prpgrT'7.hf?d cCr,t7.?Z'Frgpt-
<br />and .reserve f.?ir,ds t}-ierefor,
<br />Secticr All orr?inanrps or parts of ardir,anrp.s ?r_~
<br />cor,fl i-Ict hprPwit?l, are h?reby repealPd.
<br />Sectior Thi s ordir?ar_ce sha]..]_ IrP ar(1 remairiri
<br />fu11.force ar1d erfect frem ar.d af.ter its r;a.ssare and ar)prnvpl
<br />h-v the Cit,v rounci.l af the Citv of Paris.
<br />~ Rear~, ado~?ted ar~d approved bi, the ~~'it,~~ Co,incil at :~i
<br />~gp~ meet.inp- held at the Citv Ha11 in the C;t- of Far;s
<br />this th da~' cf ,J~une, 1"f55.
<br />
<br />~
<br />r7aynr
<br />AT"'F ST :
<br />,~~...__~.._~..___W._.~..~.._._... CitST C1erk.~
<br />t
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<br />ATtn .rneTr;
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