that the Cit-tT rouncil. ha.s heard all ^arties wco arrearec_?. and
<br />des;.red ta testify, object: or protest as to the snecial
<br />benefits ;n enhanced value ±o acGrue to said abutting nroperty
<br />and the real and true oumers the.reof as comr.ared zAri±h the
<br />r)or',-i ^n of the cost af constru.r.ti ng sai d~mrzovEnents rroposed
<br />tn he assessed aerai-nst said abutting pro-perry, and heard
<br />a? l-a?_-ties ar:-?earir.rT anrl off erincr esti.mony, tocrether t~n th al.l
<br />obiections and r.xotes±s relative +a such matters andrelative
<br />to any errors, invalidities or in any of the
<br />n.roceeciings and r_ontract for said improvffnen+s, anci .".n,as qiven a
<br />fiill an6. fa;r hear;.ncr ta z1.1 maH.nq o.r desi.ring to make
<br />any s»^h »rotect or objert:ion or to offer tPStimony, and h_as
<br />ful_lv Pxa~mn?d and, a7.l or sairl ev? dence, mattr?rs,
<br />testimony and obiections off?reri.
<br />(h) ihat the +"'i`-1,T cL.d considpr a.nd r,or?-ect 8.11 errors, in-
<br />validities or deficiencier ca.llea tnits attenti_on and diri
<br />tnat a11 r?roceedinas and r_,r,'-s were nronex and ;n a^
<br />?ai th the latirs v.nder which are beincr had and ?;n th the
<br />dir. ec-ti-ves of sai d riTy Co,zncil. in refPre;ice ±o such i-mnravFmPnts,
<br />an'c-i tha± the same are i.n al1 res-xts vali.d, and renilar., as
<br />corr ect ed.
<br />The ?,5ayor announced_ that the was ^losed, ancl_ di.rected
<br />±-'rie City Attornpv to -,re-axp an or.d.i.nance the
<br />-r=i.nc_Lnors of the C;.tv Counc, 1?,rhen ma(?.e.
<br />(i.) 7hat basPd on the evidenre, rnatt?rs, objec~tions, and testamony
<br />consa.dered at slzrh hear?ng,, the ^ity Counca.l has de+_Armin?d tha.t
<br />the nronexti es, an(i each and every rarr.e] of -7iic,h nrorerty
<br />abiztti ncT ii-nn t.hP streets and izni±s as rer?-inaftex set oiA wi Il
<br />be enh.anced in va?ue and sr)pc;a.llv benefi.tted hy the constrv.ction
<br />of s,arh imrrQVeanen±.~; i ~ ~
<br />n an. an,o~,nt i n exc.ess of the an.lota.n~_ oT stl,r,h
<br />im~~zovcr.ents nr.orosed to he, and as, assesse(i ac?a.inst
<br />each o?- sai c; ra.r^els of ,^ro.,ertv, abutt;.ncr 1inon sai.(--i stxeets,
<br />and the zeal and. truP owners tliereof.
<br />(1) `I''hat the rity CrT, nr.a 1 i:- ^f the oninion an(i f?_nd.s tha* the Front
<br />r:oot or Rule, UroL,ld rPS1,.1t in ;ustice and Pcxuity betUreen all
<br />rarr_e].s of±v within the same urit, anci the r?tv Counci?.
<br />has dp-ternineri ta annertinn ann aGsess ±he rosts on the F,rant
<br />Fnnk 'Dlan or I?ulP, except in the followincr situations and
<br />adiustments in asspssments agains+_ carnex ^roner.±iPS so a,7 to
<br />nrodllae a. 5,zbstan±i al Pmia.l.4ty of hA,-,ef;.ts rere; ved and. hurdens
<br />4,m»OS e(1.
<br />`T'hp
<br />*??r In+ -rnnPz'i-?. AS nf +},P fnl l n.,r; ttrr nexSnnsR fn_t•ri 1- : W. r'..
<br />('llainPiT, Tnp '~1P111C1?l, r'. -4. ~Al]Z?";~ir
<br />Pharii7t.aPr Pi}-)hlPf Tnc- Thit_Ymnp* F.q .JTrii{-hY1.Pr ~~'1~C~r?ldc N, '~TC?lrnE'Si
<br />~nrj (71 ; pi-nn F?YF Pnt j-1 f-,d -f-o a rn l,ini'iOn fYnTr. i-hp 4:-P1' f00f;
<br />c,f nf thP nPr frnr)+ fnn+ rnG+ nf r.'~v~ nrr a-GeSGeri nTl fFtP
<br />~'Il!'fi T?PPr~S ~S~oCCmani- 'f"f~] ~ ,
<br />rnd the Cit,T ro,inra.1. has f,tr. th?r found iinon t n e?vi dence consi dPred.
<br />that the as.sessmen±s h?xeinafter madP and the chax'rres hereby de-
<br />(-l.ared ana;.nst said abiit±i.nq nranerties and the real and t.r?ie
<br />nUmPr,7 therpof are ;,ist anri erp,; ta~1 e, a.nd al?, ohi Pr-t~,on5 ancl -ro-
<br />TestS +?tPretO shr~ulc3.hP ~-ve,-r„Jeci and. rlenie6.
<br />SFCTT nN T. h er? beinn no furt~-er rrot pst s ox est i mon-v for or acTai_ns±
<br />or i'n referenr,P ±o .>ai d. imrroveRnents, l~enefits, nr ^.roceedings, said
<br />near! nc:, crranted th.e real and. ture nTkrne.rc -,f nroner.ti es a.hiitti .nq uron
<br />Ga; d ej-rppts 7.P_th1.11 f}?e l].7Cti-FS $Tt(3 Url' fS herein d2f'-TlP..d, c3I1d f"O dll
<br />r.P_T'SC?7iSn f_l.I]715, cornoratiQIlS, aIl.d PS'tf3.i'F'Q, !'?WTl?Iln !ar Cld11?1121(7 ,SaT!?P. QT
<br />a.n~- ;nteresr there_n, shal] hP: and the same is here'ov r1osed, and a.ll
<br />r±roi-tPCi-- anri nhi F?ri-'LOtI.S, w}1P1-hpr S-Pc; ri cd'~lv Trteri"1"1flP.@6 ^T 11^f , qhall
<br />rp, and the samP are ha_rery over.rul.Pd and den.i ed,
<br />