3~ ZrP ritv Coi?ncil herehy fincls and c?eterrAnes ,zpan the
<br />etr1'rlence he-ard in refe.rencP to ear.h anc? ever-r rarcel of r,.zorer±y abutti.ncr
<br />uron fihe stzee+s an(! uni.t.c hereinafter sefi au± that the enhanaement in
<br />vallie to accrue to : a,d^r^^ert.r and the real ar-I ±rize otimers thereof by
<br />varTUe of ±1-F co„struct?.an ef Ga? d a.mrrovement:- in said porti.ons of said
<br />stree-t, t~Ti]_1 he in PYCess ef the costs of said im-provEtnents nronosed to
<br />he, anc? a,~ n assess?r1 aaai,st saa d ahuttina ,^rorPrtzes and the z-eal
<br />,ind ±rve owners 'I=llPx'P.of; an~i f, _nds ±hat the ar_nor+_i.anment of the cos+s
<br />of said. imr.,rotTEynen.t; and the ascessments rere;-beiow inade arP iust and
<br />eq-Liitable and nr.oduee slzbs±anti_ai ecn.zality, rnnsi-'erinrr the benefi±s
<br />rPCeived and the burdens imroGed thereby, and arp in ac:corclance i•nth the
<br />la-vrs of the State of `"'exas and the C'hart?r of the Ci.ty of na.r? s; and
<br />f,.ir±her f? ncL9 1_h.at ~.ll nr(?rpPdAxvx:= and r..ontractG },.erPtoforP had t^n. ±h
<br />rPference ±o sai~i ir!r..roti*m.ents are in all resrerts, rer-xular, prorer and
<br />valid, and that a17. rrer.cxq.zisiteG tn the iiv;ncT of f_h(- assessment liens
<br />aqains± sa.id an,jttinn nronerties, as hereinafter dPSr...ribed, and the
<br />rexsonal iiahili.+_y of the rea? ar.d tr,,e. ot~mors therenf, whPther n:med
<br />or carrectlsr named hereJn aY nnt, hav~, been ;_n al] thinns re-ntlarly had
<br />and. rerformed in comnliance wi.th thP l aw and the nroceeda-r.ns of saicl
<br />C7.'ti' COl1RC1.l.
<br />SECTTnN 4. In pursuance nf said ordinance dul~T enacteci by said Gity
<br />C~u.nci].' authorizinn and orderincr the imrrove:ment of said streets and
<br />units, ineJ.i?.clincI the sai.a rorti.on.s of streets anca iinits hereinbelaw set
<br />out, wr.ich ordinanr.,e -oras nasse~.i, as aforesaa.(i, on August 13, 1956, and
<br />in rursuance of said nroceedinas IlP_r'P"tOf02"E had and enacted by sai d City
<br />~'ouncil in xeferenr.e to sai dim.rrovements and 'oy virtue of t-he nowers
<br />vested in saic:i Citv witn. resnect: to saif7 street i.mrrovements Y,y the laws
<br />of the 3'tate of inexas, w~ti1 part:icular refexenre to Article 1105b,
<br />Vernon's RnnotatAd 'Civi.l Statutes of Te•raq, as amenc?ed, and the i harter
<br />of the Ci.±y of Paris, tnerF sha11 be, and i s herebtr 1 evied, assessed
<br />ann taxed aaainst the resnective narr..els of nro,r.exty h.ereinafter de-
<br />scri.bed and abu±tinn lipon the sa.id ,stree±s an(i 1,1n.i.ts 1zerPi.nafi-er set
<br />out and w-i thin the li.mits be] aw defin?d anr aqa? nst the real and trize
<br />owners of s,.lrli nronPrtz7 tWhethe.r such real anri true ownPrs be namedF or
<br />rorrPCt)v naTned, or Ga;rl nrorerti.es bp r.orrert],y ciesr..rihPd'.nere;n or
<br />not, the sevPral surns of money he.reinbe?_ow men.+.ioned and i±emi^ed,
<br />nrros?te i}-ie c??sr.r4nt1'.on ^f thp resrectave parr.els of said n.roperty,
<br />the ciescxi..ntion of s1.ir.h rro-ner±y-, the n,imk>er nf fr.ont fPet of each, and
<br />the Geve.ral amounT,,:; assPSSed acrainst the samP anc . the reaJ an(i true
<br />owners thex?of, ancl where thp amount so assessed against the r.oxnPr.
<br />rroper.ties has been comrut:Pd rv a<jjustinn the frnntacre, such amoiint Go
<br />assessed shall cons±itute a 1.i en. aqainst tre enti.rP nronerty ar„ttina
<br />+he ravina actual7_v r_onstrllr.ted an(i nat mereJ.y acrainst tl,P amoiint of
<br />f.rnntacye iaseci aG an adjusted baqi s fo.r tne a5sessment, ann the names of
<br />+nP anna.rent oti•mexs thPreofP a11 as r_.orrecteH ann aci,;usted hv sa;.H. ri.±y
<br />roltnci.l, heinc- as follow4,
<br />