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ORD INtINCE NUMBER 1205 <br />AN ORUIItir1NCE liVdiiRDIA1G ti COP?TRtiCT FOR THE :.ALVriGINC,r QF <br />C~RTAIAt CAST IROR PIPL WITH ALL APPURTENr1NCES I,OCxTED t;T CADdP <br />MAXEY,TEXf;S, r'iND FOR REMOVII!G tiltiD HitULING S"E TO THE NORTH <br />i:i,h.IN eaTkEET VVr"iR.+'HOUSE tiI' `I'HE CITY OF PARIS, AUT'HORIZING `T'HE <br />:vit,YC3R TO EXE CUTE , IN BEH.ALF+' OT+ THE C ITY OF PARIS, r1 CONTFciiCT <br />TrZEREFOR, PRdV IliING FOR TtIE I!~SUtsNCE Oi+ I'IPkE 6'ihRRIa,1V'TS IA1 PAY- <br />MIENT OF PART OF THE CONTR.~:CT PRICE TIf-~kEOF rtND PRpV ZL' ING FOR <br />Ts3E LEVY r"iND COLLECTIUAT GF A T:~X FOk RETIRr+,'u:EATT OF SUCH TIIVE <br />S;ARRANTS xND Pi,MIENT OF IrITEREST T.H~EREON. <br />HEREAS, The City oP Paris owns approximately 30,150 feet <br />of cast iron pipe loc4ted at Camp Niaxey, Texas, and there is <br />a necessity for salvaging same and removing it, with <br />all appurtenances t2:ereto to the 2'vorth Main Street y:arehouse of <br />said City, a.nd <br />'EREAS, the City e#5utati; of the City of Paris, by reso- <br />d,F <br />luticn duly passed on September 26, 1949, caused the i:iayor of <br />the scid City to publish in aecordance with law a notice to <br />bidders for sealed propoeals for a contr•act for such purposes, <br />and of the City' s lntention to issue time ivarranta in pay~'jent <br />of the contract griee, which notice dulq published in the <br />.!:'aris Elews on September 28, 1949, and on Uctober 5, 1949, and <br />wHEREriS, all sealed proposals submitted in aecordance r,ith <br />said notice tiaere duly opened and eanvassed by the City Couneil <br />in S~pecial ifeeting at the usual place of council meetings in <br />the City T_-Iall of the City of Paris on Oetober 14, 1949, and the <br />lowest and most advantageous bid for such work was subrnitted <br />by Rector Construction Co., Inc., of D'allas, Texas, for the <br />totEl contract price for such work in the sum of ,17,885.30, <br />en. d <br />Gi~fiEREAS, it is necessary that time tivarrents be issued by <br />tiie City of Paris in payment of the ccntract price for such work <br />and that a tax be levied and collected on all taxable property <br />wztY!in said city sub ject to taxation ta pay off and retire sueh <br />time warrants and to pay the interest thereon, and <br />W~~l~.EhS, no petition to the governing body <br />F aris reque sting the subnission to a referendum <br />tion as to cvhether such pantratt shou'd be 3et~ <br />as to whether time vzarrants should be issued in <br />contraet has been filed by the qualified. voters <br />re c,uired by law, and <br />of tl-e Cityr of <br />vote of the que s- <br />:nd ~ dwards.d or <br />payment of such <br />of said City as <br />it is to the best interest of the City of Paris <br />that such contruct be entered into vqith the said Rector Constru- <br />ction Co., Inc., of Dallas, Texas, for such work, <br />IVTJ`:~ T':~~;RL+'FJi-E, Ba~ IT ORD AZI?EU BY Ti'.:~ CITY COUP:CIL Os+ THE <br />CITY OF PaRIS : <br />1. That the City of Pariu make and enter intv a contract <br />vTith Rector Constructicn Co. , Inc., of Lallas, Texas, for the <br />salvaging of approximately 30,150 feet aP cast iron pipe owned <br />by the City of Parig, together with all appurtenances thereto, <br />].ocated at Camp -exey, Texas, and for the 'riaulin.g and removing <br /> to the North. .111ain Street ~:arehouse of the City of Pari s, <br />at the cost submitted by said company in its sealed proposal, <br />that is, for salvaging sueh pipe and appurtenances the sum of <br />~;14,997.30 and for removing and hauling same the sum of .~2,888.00, <br />the total eontract price being in the sum of SEVENTEEN THi3iTS;sND <br />i;IGH`P I1TJT;DRLD EIGLiTY-FNE 8Ild 50%100 DOLLi=iFtS ($17,885.30). tir&ld <br />contrect shall contain a11 the provisions i!f the notice to bidders <br />