instructions to bidders, proposal forms, plans, specitications
<br />and contract documents issued by said City of Paris in connection
<br />vaith the notice to bidders. The description of the cast iron pipe
<br />and appurtenances to be salvaged, remoeed and hauled is as Polloqs:
<br />1850 fe et cast iron pipe - 20 ineh
<br />6000 feet 16 inch cast iron pipe
<br />3,000 feet 12 inch east iron pipe
<br />12,590 feet 10 incla cast iron piPe
<br />1500 feet 8 inch cast iron pil;e
<br />5000 feet 6 inch cast iron pipe
<br />50 three way fire hydrants
<br />15 six-inch valves and boges
<br />10 ten-ii:ch valves and boxes
<br />4 twelve-ineh valves and boxes
<br />2 twenty-inch valves and boaes
<br />reserves the right to
<br />The City of 1'aris/delete frori the removing and haOLling
<br />tioned any items it desires to leave on the land rvhere
<br />end to deduct from the contract price the pro rata cost
<br />he re in me n-
<br />it is salvaged
<br />thereof.
<br />2. Tiiat the i.iayor be, and ne is hereby authorized and diredted
<br />to execute a coatract for the performance oP such work by Reetor
<br />Construetion Co., Ine., oP Dallas, TexKS, in behEilf of the City of
<br />Paris at the contract price hereinabove set out.
<br />3. That time warrants of the Cit ~P aris, Texas, be iffisued
<br />to the contractor for the payment oY/~~- cg9tract price as follows;
<br />I~ro. One for the sun of *43,OOO.QO, dated December 1,
<br />1949, pa:,able to Hector Construction Ca., Inc., or
<br />bearer, due on or before December 1, 1950, bdaring
<br />inte re st Prorl date until paid at t he rate of f'our
<br />pe r ce nt pe r annum.
<br />PTo. Two for the sum of :Y3,000.00, dated Lecember l,
<br />1949, payable to Keletor Construction Co., Inc., or
<br />bearer, due on or before Deeerriber 1, 1951, bearing
<br />interest fror.i date until paid et the rate oP four
<br />per cent per annum.
<br />P:o. ThreE for the sum of ~3,000.00, dated "ecember l,
<br />10,49, payable to Rector Construction Co., Inc., or
<br />bearer, dus on or bePore December 1, 1.952, bearing
<br />interest fi,on date until lyaid at the rate oY four
<br />per cent per annum.
<br />No. Four for the sum of 43,000.00, dated liecember 1,
<br />1949, payable to Rector Construction Co., Inc., or
<br />bearer, due on ar before December 1, 1953, bearing
<br />interest from date uutil paid at the rate of four
<br />per cent per annum.
<br />No. Five Por the sum of ~3,000.00, dated Decenber 1,
<br />1949, payable to Rector Construction Co., Inc., or
<br />bearer, due on or bef'ore necember 1, 1954, bearing
<br />interest frori date until paid at the rate of four
<br />per cent per annum.
<br />Intere st on e a ch warrant is paqable annuel ly .
<br />4, That ttaere sriall be, and is hereby levied and ordered to
<br />be collected annually hereafter a tax of $.025 on eaeh and every
<br />~I00.00 of the assessed val.uation of all property of every descrip-
<br />tion sub ject to taxstion within t he corporate limits of the City
<br />oP Paris Por paying interest and creating a sinking fund for the
<br />retirement oY the above mentioned irime warrants. Such taa ahall
<br />