<br />eM _ i, .
<br />oRDzNAr,cL ~s0. lzzo .
<br />M4 uRllTT7riI,CE T'; C1:,;,,;GE TY:L: B'JUi.:D1iRI_-l_. , :a7' :i~ ~~r,i J I~-?i~ Ji'
<br />` I
<br />THE Oi^' PA'3.I `1_ 0?!'.,STdiT, L 51_; t1 1~:1!RJIT
<br />STR:;ET I;', ifr:s' CTTY 0F P,4RTIS, inclua3_n.; a
<br />Resic3er_tial l~istrict, ar~~? establ_is+ain^~ tr,.e bo:~n-.
<br />trict so establisred} ' -'°-I_-- -a4?-+-qfterge~
<br />~I..i~ „
<br />territor,r now dPs;_•;naZe i as a
<br />laries of t;^ c- ~o,•r~~~i~~~~^ ~
<br />r.
<br />BE LT :;RDIGI\IED L" T1iE , i'7 '-_')tTk!T, 1'fiL Cil`r ,I
<br />Secti_on T. That the boundaries established in t.e zon.in,,~ ~nap Df tlie 3=ty
<br />of I'aris he, and. t'-:e sane are riereb~ cha.,oed and tl~;at 'o,~.L~ierci-~1 !Dis~t.rIct ~,e,
<br />$11C1 'G''"P. Sa.^l.°. 1_S 1:P.,T'Pbz.% 8S'.,abl1s)n:'d oi1 t1^r' .,:it'Il Sld:' :`~IO'1i:a'..
<br />territ,OZ'" '.1o:>I _.s c3 Oif'
<br />_ . . , . .
<br />~,:':B S3lC:i 8O clr1:_ Sa:;e <3.Y'E; h=G'lJ-
<br />11 .'1",i3. cts G:,T:i C I@ ',l ;iit =1'1' *fl`i'~ `,tii:' %1 Y)aY't I,E;z'EOi `.'S f01.1,0':75:
<br />~4 Lua'Bd _i21 l,c^: "11~.~Y' l,;'EXaS ,,.ii?;ti'i1_11 tt18 CO1'-'nT'ntC'. u5 01 tY1°
<br />Of i'aT'7_S , a naY't, Oi t.18 XSa JaY': .1;1 3T1C'i c,`d :,aT't i?i t;,E J. II' ";'1t, `,'ciY'T12T'
<br />hor;iestead, descri', ed a.s foll_ows, to-wit:
<br />13eginnirL at a stake in t}ie _:orth si~ie of bo~lha:i `Dtreet, 1~eir. ; I;re ;i,' co~•-^~.r
<br />of alot deeded by c.~ .",iri ~ht and wife to .irs. `i:ravis tit'_insDr, 101.75 f eet
<br />from the int;ersecti or of Lonha_-a "trePt a;ia 7th ° tr-et f or ne rl;,,- d., 1~'tr ~ tree
<br />Thance ~ti/o,rt' feet to a sta:re ir "'_;e " line of
<br />vlest witYi ',g~E~~100 feet to a stake, the .?E corner of a lot conve,rad cy
<br />t,Irs. I one 'vJri Zht to ~Teor-e '1 .,-)r-L`hi; as showr by def>d of record Ir, Bcoy 1_64,
<br />Page 7_92, Lai,iar Countzj lleed Necords; iher:ce South with Geor-~e T. ,4rl,ii'~'s 7ine,
<br />294.7 feet to a stal.e, his SE corner ;_n the ND 7 ine of Bonham Street; Thet:ce in
<br />a I',torthe^ste.rlti direction iwith said ~treet, 101.75 fF,et to the nlace of be ;:i_nnin;.
<br />:'ect;_on 2. `F'-°~-i-ai,-~su:1~.. z~r~p~r-~; is no~~r ~.n a FZesic?ential i~istria~-
<br />and there 3s 4.,immdie,t•e nacesriyi,y ,~t~? neec? for a~ommercia7_ District therQ~? _`~c~r
<br />the publ_i4 interest, creats a nubl.ic emer-ency requ=ring that r,zl.cs and ehartc~Y,
<br />provisions Trrohibiting passage of an ordinance at- trie meetinz, at, ,vinicr, it; isy
<br />introduced and requiring submission to a co*~~_tt,ee be suspF~;_~7A~~, and the sai
<br />f2
<br />is a^cordin~,J,> done y aRd il,is or1i:,a, .e sha1.1 ta':E: e e;,F,ct f'ro-, an d zfter i ts
<br />passa;;e.
<br />FAS SED
<br />19 50 0
<br />xYEs
<br />ATTES1 :
<br />'.4. F. ~he'lton,
<br />