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<br />"v'ow comes Wayne Y. knderson, and respectfull.y shows the fallowing:
<br />I.
<br />That he is tY?e owner of the followirg described nroperty situated in ',ai:~r
<br />Countv, Texas, within the corporate 1.imits of the Cit;r o`' Faris, on Bor?:a.m 3treet:
<br />Pait o: the Asa Jarrrlan Survely, ana Dart of the `.J. 'Iriff'rt, for-aer ho-ies±ead
<br />und deseribed as follows:
<br />Beginning at a stake i.n the North side of Bonha-T.1 '~treet, bei; the 3',d corner
<br />of a lot deeded b,y S.J. iJri-;ht and wife to P1rs. Travis Atl~:inson, 101.75 feet from
<br />the intersection of Bonham Street and 7th Street~E'd, f or:i? sy k _ 15' ~~eta
<br />hence
<br />Ther~ce No 7.~ eet to a st.ake , n t,rie ine of %WZ
<br />West t~,*it,. ~ ~ 7'?0 feet to a ta'kf., the corner of a lot c nv,~.yed by
<br />i`ZT'S. Ione JZ':L ''tilt, t^ a°OT'!='2 '1', 1I'1.~.',11t c`1,S S!' ;n?JTl h'J dc"'f;d of Z'GCO'"`d 'L11 :i00k 164, i'a?8
<br />192, Lamar ~;ounty JeFd Hecords. 1'hentie witr. U' arre T. drirht's EB 1,i:^-e,
<br />294.7 feet to a sta ;e, corr:er _ t.'-r? ir.e o" Fonh.am :itreet; mh.c:nce in a
<br />Northcaster'zj dire;etio~~ ~4it', sai.-; .~treet, 1. "7 .75 fF>et to the place of begirr.ing.
<br />That the arove described 7,ro:,ert<< is situated wi-thin the "Resi.dentia? Dis-
<br />trict" as defir.ed by provisions of Urdinance i•„o. 1_122 of the ~it;r of Paris and
<br />within the area desi-)nated as a"Residential District" b,,- tY;e map acco°:irantT~.ng
<br />said Ordinanceo
<br />App7_icant in compliance with Ordiaance ido. 7122 of the City of Paris, requests
<br />that t'he abo~re described pror,erty be designated as a corrmercial. district and tnut
<br />tre ordirance of the Citv of Paris be cranged to esta.bl_ish said nror.,ert,y as a
<br />commercial district. Request is rnade that ir_ corapliance witl; the existine ordi-
<br />nance of the Cits.= of Paris, notice be civen to +he citizens of the ~ity of Paris
<br />of suc?L proposes c?-lange 3nd of a nlib? iti meetinu to be he~ dIn connection therevait::,
<br />such nctice to state the t.irae, o7.ace and nature of sucr. nub' ic hearin;-, such ~ubl.ic
<br />tzearin:7 not t:,be held earl?er thar_ t-,lenty-_,t?e (21) days from the date of the fl_rst
<br />pl.k,lication of sai-i natice; that suc.; notice be Dublished in tl.e official. oaper
<br />bf t't12 vl `i,V of Fc`1T'15 027^P a week f or t1iT'C'° CO152C'1t,1 VE W88k5 SrC: SI't°Y' pUtiJl_1C '_r,F'ST'_
<br />121g 121 COYlii°CtlOYl t,}'lE'I'BL1I tr:, t:hut UhP c7b0-JP r'B,iCT'I.bE,'" -/%T,?-)BT'tsr and ''11"'qr(:1Sf~'8 be
<br />desigr_,aten anc, establ_ished as a commFrciaJ_ district instead of a"Residential
<br />District". 6 4
<br />-44- icant
<br />