. Adk .lah, ~
<br />Pari.;, I`Pexas, 0 , 1950.
<br />'I'O 'Ta-X:.' x'.Ji40 i,A.>YOR _,~;i,'lJ
<br />COUTaGIL 0:' `I-i t. CZ :7 C}F PWPT:?~S
<br />e, thc unclersiFneci, ~e ners of x;~~z-t of
<br />Gity :;lflck 126, bein- a lot :rontiav, lO0 f eet on thP snuth
<br />side of :3anIha,c, :::treet aa(.~ exte;zcling soutYz 114 feet on the
<br />vvest sj.de o~' 'eve::lt2t z:treet :ab'i in ~'€~ri:-, ';`exaa, be,-inninR
<br />c.its t;.iPr Ci!a1'::'.°''1' ('Jf ti'sPi G. 'r• PT°it'iP.r :'i"U?'ate ZO~',~ .~i.ts'i'i'lf3 bf,?iil;..
<br />'~a:; corrler of a lot noti; ov,rwd t~~>> ;tc,)hEn V. Garrison;
<br />tb,::;nce in an directioii ._it'ri tpzF a'H linF of 'r3anla,,:~~
<br />~.treet 100 feet, :or.=E; :-)r Ie: s, to '~he in`ersectiin of the
<br />jB line of Bo.ahau2 _:;treet s a.tp., t, ,7 _R line of" ~3eventh [;tPret
<br />Thx1idC:& south v;itiz tYie `<;B l.ine a1' a>eventl? 13treet Sl'i 110
<br />feet, Th twC :I00 feet, ,ore or lesQ, ta t}rr "AL3 line
<br />tIse s~.id C. ~'rice ~~;state lo U; : ~'i; E north it'_ t.lze
<br />c~ C5 llf'1. : '-;.:1Gi Cr• I. t'I'7.E,1e Z.nf 100 te€'t , "iJ i°Et oI'
<br />less, to tj,~.a aolace of bovirLning, horeby z~~~~itE?e:ti the Citg
<br />uaunf:il of ti"=.e (Ai.4r of j' ar.j.c~'J by amf':Y7d-i,",nt of: ±aa'e pZ"f3sc,.r7f.
<br />Loai]'Lnj- ;lrair~~,.nce tc► change trir, of sucY: Districts
<br />in ,,:hich our lot 1s si*u-#:pd so t: f.;t fihr.- ov~= descri.bed
<br />lot v:i31 be :,bruced in the Co::,vm rcial District as desirnated
<br />in. E_,aid Zotlin~ ~)resinance r,d thr:;t t:titie garid l:~vv:;,i.z1 notiCe tae
<br />;-iven aric: thzlt =j z;ublic be h~.:d in accor.danc;=- ith
<br />sal(A ".710:"i..1wr Ordimai l.oe•
<br />lieB::aPCtf'L11 lV :i^11 }t t'~t' ~
<br />
<br />~.7• 3~4f _ ~aw ...~~I
<br />tS"S. r c6
<br />-7
<br />
<br />~tae ey
<br />are Les Stocxey~/
<br />