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- a A► ~ _ • I <br />Pari s , Texas, 7Kt~ ~ ' 1950 . <br />2'0 T1111 :ci0id0--Pa0LE iJ'uiI.TOR x~TD <br />COUNCIL OH 'I'T~ CI'~:Y OF Yi=S: <br />the undersicned, the o7: ners of a part of <br />City :3lock 126, bein-g a lot fronting 100 feet on the south <br />siae of Bonharkl Street and extending south 110 feet on the <br />vvest : ide of ;evc-nth Street SW in Paris, ~'exas, beginning <br />at the :7,1 cor-aer of the G. :1. Price i:state lot, sa_ne beinc, <br />the -HE corner of a lot no`; ovvned b-r Stephen V. Garrison; <br />thence in an easterlST dir•ection t,ith the SI3 line of Bonhar,i <br />Street 100 feet, Lore or• less, to the intersection oP the <br />SB line of Bonriam Street v<ith the `,,!B line of Seventh Street <br />SW; ''TIEIdCE soutn i,:ith the ~I;B line of Seventh Street S'd 110 <br />feet; Tn"IvCE t°jest 100 feet, ::lore or less, ±o the 'JB line <br />of the said G. E:. PricE Estate lot; '-',1`1,1?C;E north ti-itri tne <br />'e;B line of said G. ;.T. Price Estate lot 100 leet, no,e or <br />less, to the place of begiiiizing, 'ri-ereby request 'Uhe City <br />Council of the City of j aris by aaendm: nt of the present <br />Zoning Ordinance to change the boundaries of such Distriats <br />in t~..rlich our lo± is situuted so t«at the G' ove described <br />lot will be ~:mbraced in the ConmF:rcial District as desi~nated <br />in said Zonin~:,, Ordinance -{nd ti-lat ~_ue and lawful notice be <br />niven an(~ that a nublie hearing be had in accordance -ith <br />saia Zo=1ing Ordinance. <br />Respectfully sut•mi tted, <br />IC ~ <br />FIL ~ <br />By <br />o s. U. 1v:. Price <br />oe- <br />Roderick G. Stocke <br />Y <br />Cora Lee S~tBCkey ~ <br />