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rasnectf'u11y sho4v in supr)o.rt oi' thi_s nrot',st that the <br />1_oty a;_,ove ciescribed a nd loca ted it r1o. 749 9anham Street is withi.n a <br />residential disf,x•ict under the Ordi.nance and tile plat and rnaps made a <br />nart of the Ordinance, to all of' which reference is -m1de f'or all. pur- <br />posas, and ttilat sai_ci property is not lvithin a conmercial dis;;rict, <br />r,oj:hi+zunity store c]istrict, manuf'acturin~; district or unrestrictad district. <br />I'I'a1HuR, they sho~nr that the use and contemplated use of the <br />lot above described and ?ncated at ^?o. 749 Bonham Street as a business <br />lot, and for cornrnercial purposes, diminishes the value of thei-r homes <br />y,rithin tkie ar,~a and neiahborhood, renders their ?-)ropert„* less desirable <br />for use as hozue sites, arid does tne7ii dnd their prooerty irreparable <br />in jur,y. <br />Tn connection witn th_is T)rotest, tne undersii,ned and each of <br />thein, nro'test ~,he issuance of an_01 nerrnits or authorizat ion bv any of±'icer <br />of t:ne City of Par _s nerrr,ittinr., the use of the lot afaresaid .for com- <br />mercial az° busiriess ~purposas. <br />Distance from lot located <br />Ss_;natures at No. 749 B-0n`1am Street <br />3e.~'" ~ r; ~ ~ t9 lrA- <br />? / - ,f' ' <br />iGT <br />~ I e <br />1 <br />! - ~ y' . . r a, ~^`'°M6 "e... ti.."t"",,. Q• . <br />E+' ° • . r'`,. . . .~'f~ ♦ A <br />. <br />-3 Od~ <br /> <br />